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'A Blast of Hell'
"500,000 people uprooted, thousands dead in violence"
Freedom fighters: Groups protest Sudan policy stalemate.
Observers say there's a long road to go for peace
Saving Africa
The story of forgotten missionary hero William Sheppard is finally told
Eritrea: Government shuts down churches.
All Christian houses of worship are ordered shut without official explanation
Ethiopian Evangelical Killed by Orthodox Church Mob
Local police fail to respond during attack
Zambian President Takes Action After Churches Criticize Him
Mwanawasa surprises observers with his efforts to rout political corruption
Legacy of an Ancient Pact
Why do Christians still chafe under restrictions in some Muslim nations? It all started with Umar
A Cry for Help
Sudanese Christians gather in Houston and ask for U.S. support
Nigeria: Where Adultery Means Death
Political and religious leaders clash in Nigeria over the increased use of Islamic law
Ethiopia: Returning a Tabot
Orthodox demand that British give back all looted sacred items.
Kenya: U.S. Blacks Preach Abstinence Gospel
Mission workers testify that Christ helps control sexual urges.
One African Nation Under God
Zambia is missionary David Livingstone's greatest legacy. But this Christian nation isn't always heaven on earth
North Africa: Interest in Satellite TV Up Since 9/11
North Africans are showing a growing interest in Christian programs
Kenya: Christians Flee Rioting
Tensions between landowners and tenants spark violence in Nairobi slum
The 10,000-Mile Courtship
Behind Ted Olsen's report on Zambia.
Archbishop Proposes to Die in Place of Woman Sentenced to Stoning
Okogie’s offer is a protest against Nigeria’s Islamic Shari‘ah law.
"Nigeria: Chronic Violence Claims 2,000 Lives"
The adoption of Islamic law in northern Nigeria has ignited conflict between Christians and Muslims
Bishop Appeals For End To Violence In Zimbabwe
Political intimidation has mounted in the run-up to the March presidential election
Welcoming the Uninvited Savior
"When the Holy Family fled Bethlehem, Herod's evil became a blessing for Egypt"
Reviving an Ancient Faith
Two strong-willed reformers bring Coptic Orthodoxy back to life

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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