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U.K. Christian Says Yes to Abstinence, No to Gardasil
Should women like Simone Davis be required to take STD-preventing shots if they are not having sex?
Counting Controversy
Hispanic evangelical leaders debate participation in 2010 U.S. Census.
One in the Spirit
Evangelicals look for reconciliation in aftermath of Asia's longest civil war.
Recession Hits Refugees
Nationwide job shortage pushes limits of resettlement system.
The Soul of the Border Crisis
Local churches are key in fixing the immigration mess.
Customs Confusion
New visa rules trip up traveling religious workers.
When the Stranger Knocks
The influx of immigrants to the U.S. means a new mission field for churches, says World Relief's Jenny Hwang.
What to Do with the Stranger?
Two evangelicals argue for more generous immigration policies.
Hispanic Groups Divided over 2010 Census
One group is urging a boycott while another group says Latinos should take part in the census.
Over the Fence
Poll: Republicans losing the Hispanic Protestant support won in 2004.
The New Refugees
As the U.S. opens to Iraqis and Burmese, refugee ministries must adjust.
A Refugee's Quiet Dignity
A Zimbabwean pastor waits warily after South Africa's riots.
Fleeing from Chad, Waiting for Peace
Refugees in Cameroon fill their days with conversation and worship.
Continental Divide
Hispanic evangelicals move toward the Democrats — and away from white evangelicals.
Congregation Gets Protesters, Then Cops' Bill
Plus: Methodist locale loses tax exemption over gay ceremony stand, bad grades for Oxford's Christian schools, Dobson nixes Thompson again, and hundreds of other stories from online sources around the world.
I Was a Stranger
How should we deal with 12 million illegal immigrants?
Scrambling for Bibles
The world may have moved in next door, but non-English Scriptures remain frustratingly hard to find.
Trusted Guides
Texas Baptists want to help immigrants become citizens.
First Church of Prosperidad
Arlene Sanchez Walsh on the African-style prosperity gospel right in our backyards--in immigrant Latino churches.
A Precarious Calm
A year after the July 2006 war, Lebanon's Christians face a murky future.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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