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Saya Tidak Ingin Putra Saya Mewarisi Dosa Ibunya
Kekhawatiran saya terhadap kesehatan fisik putra saya seharusnya tidak melampaui kepedulian saya terhadap kesehatan rohaninya.
Não quero que meu filho herde meus pecados
A saúde física de meu filho não deve me preocupar mais do que seu bem-estar espiritual.
I Don’t Want My Son to Inherit the Sins of His Mother
My worries for my child’s physical health shouldn’t surpass my concern for his spiritual well-being.
Evangelicals Have Four Proposals for Harmonizing Genesis and Evolution
Loren Haarsma maps out the prevailing schools of thought on the origins of humanity and sin.
Quick To ListenEpisode 283|46min
What Francis Collins Changed for Christians in Science
The head of the National Institutes of Health is retiring. Why his faith mattered.
El director del NIH, Francis Collins, guanya el premi Templeton d’1,3 milions de dòlars
El genetista pioner ofereix una “síntesi intel·lectual” de la fe i l’evolució
Engineered in His Image? Christians More Cautious About Gene Editing.
A Pew Research survey across 20 countries found believers lag behind non-religious neighbors in support for the technology, with the biggest gap in the US.
NIH Director Francis Collins Wins $1.3M Templeton Prize
The pioneering geneticist offers an ‘intellectual synthesis’ of faith and evolution.
Why Do Fewer Christian Women Work in Science?
Sociologists explain the data behind the gender gap in STEM careers.
Twelve Christian Women in Science You Should Know
From studying dinosaur bones to creating digital assistants, these women see research as their calling.
Georgia Dunston
What If We Don’t Have to Choose Between Evolution and Adam and Eve?
How insights from genealogy can help change the terms of a contentious debate.
How Cracking Wheat’s Genetic Code Reminds Us Who We Are
This grain’s genome echoes of the strength found in the diversity of God’s people.
When the Gift of Intelligence Becomes the Burden of Alzheimer’s
The strength of human intellect also makes it fragile.
In the Image of Our Choosing
In a new era of genetics, where’s the line between healing and enhancement?
The Painful Questions about Genetics and Race
Mistrust of medicine clouds possibility of treatment for sickle-cell.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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