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We Are Not Pregnant
The glory of men and women lies in their unbridgeable differences.
Guys and Dads
Elephants in puberty are like men without fathers, says Donald Miller.
Finding a Family
A man needs a dad. I found mine when I moved in with a friend.
The Power of a Father's Blessing
What former NFL pro Bill Glass has learned after 36 years of prison ministry.
Our Fathers Who Are on Earth
If Satan thinks they are a key battleground, shouldn't we?
Affectionate Patriarchs
In the popular imagination, conservative evangelical fathers are power-abusing authoritarians. A new study says otherwise.
Creating Husbands and Fathers
The discussion of gender roles moves beyond 'proof-text poker.'
Raising Up Fathers
An interview with Maggie Gallagher
John Eldredge thinks too many Christians are weak, and churches are often insipid-and he's not going to take it anymore
The Smiling Grandfather Clock
On Father's Day, the Holy Ghost helped me finally connect the dots and glimpse God's character.
Fatherhood on the Rebound
What we can learn from the real history of basketball.
Will Promise Keepers Keep Their Promises?
The best way for the movement to retain its credibility is to deliver on its racial-reconciliation pledge.
Married, with Children?
Fans of the traditional family should not be intimidated by bad statistics.
The Gift of Brokenness
The outrageously fruitful ministry of my father.
Refocusing the Family
Francis of Assisi: A Gallery of Five Who Knew a Saint
Not everyone who loved Francis followed his way.
Powerful Preaching
A sample of how Luther could bring Bible characters to life
The Parents Luther Feared Disgracing
Were they caring and firm—or so harsh they drove him to rebel against every authority in his life?

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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