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Life with Dignity
Let's not be too eager to pull the plug on our fellow image-bearers.
The Proposition 71 Stem Cell Scam
The biotech lobby is attempting to buy a law in California, Wesley J. Smith says.
All Apologies
Are today's kinda culpas more safe than sorry?
Frozen Out
What to do with those extra embryos.
When Does Personhood Begin?
And what difference does it make?
Unwanted Interruptions
Why is our culture so hostile to children-inside and outside the womb?
Have We Room for Thoughtful Political Debate?
Observations on the new "gloom and doom" from Gordon's journals.
Have We Room for Thoughtful Political Discussion?
Replies to Gordon MacDonald's June column
Another Small Step for Life
Recent federal bill recognizes the humanity of the fetus for the first time.
Cloning Report Breeds Confusion
Does it open the door to 'therapeutic cloning'?
Separation of Powers
Just as the American government practices separation of powers, journalistic publications generally try to separate business and editorial functions.
A Law that Shouldn't be Cloned
New Jersy legalizes human cloning for research.
While I Was Sleeping
Why my husband finally refused to end my life during my two-month coma.
A Laughing Child in Exchange for Sin
What exactly does courage look like in an age of abortion?
The Techno Sapiens Are Coming
When God fashioned man and woman, he called his creation very good. Transhumanists say that, by manipulating our bodies with microscopic tools, we can do better. Are we ready for the great debate?
Define 'Better'
One person's improvement is another person's degeneration.
Currents Shaping Our World: How Others See Us
Clergy ratings drop to lowest level ever; moral decline expected.
7 Questions for Weighing War
Where Judgement Begins
An Honest Sermon
Plagiarism, the pulpit, and how to appropriate others' ideas appropriately.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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