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From my journal: There are some questions I'd like to hear more Evangelical Christians discussing (and using as a recipe for prayer?):

  1. Do we spend enough time pondering the unintended consequences of war: the lingering hate that lasts for generations, the tyrants and tyrannical systems that often arise in the wake of war, the scars and wounds and memories that blight numberless families for decades? (On both sides?)

  2. Do we think enough about the children and the old people who suffer unspeakably when armies march? The young men and women—the flower of nations—who never return from war? (England lost 70,000 men and 170,000 wounded in three days of war in WWI, and, historian Paul Keegan writes, "[those days] marked the end of an age of vital optimism in British life that has never been recovered."

  3. Do we ever think of those on the other side who worship the Lord Jesus too? What does war do to our national soul?

  4. Would our movement ever listen to Christian thinkers in other parts of the world on the subject of war … especially those who have been through it?

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