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Why Pope Shenouda's Death Matters to Egyptian Protestants
The Coptic 'pope of the Bible' was controversial yet beloved.
Egypt's Pope Shenouda III Dead at 88
Coptic Orthodox leader was one of the world's most revered Christians.
Christians Killed, Injured in Arab Spring Fallout
The bloodiest day since Egypt’s uprising was caused by a peaceful Christian protest.
Behind Egypt's Revolution
Away from news cameras, Christian, Muslim youth rediscover common ground.
Do Egypt's Evangelicals Get Along with the Coptic Orthodox?
More than they used to, say observers and insiders.
Egypt's Christians After Mubarak
They were protesting a church attack when the Tahrir Square demonstrations began. Political change likely won't undo deep tensions with Muslims.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Gospel of Christ
Why Egypt's Christians might actually be safer if the Muslim Brotherhood were a part of the ruling government.
Egyptian Christians Reflect on Moment in History
Born and baptized in blood, the Church in Egypt is hardly a newcomer to hardship, notes Egypt's Anglican bishop.
The United States Needs an Ambassador for Religious Freedom Now
The Obama administration must send a clear signal to Egypt and the Middle East that they must embrace religious freedom in full.
Egyptian Christians Join Calls for Reform
Protests enter second week as Mubarak resists ouster.
Pew Forum Releases Landmark Survey of International Religious Freedom
70 percent of the world lives in areas with high restrictions on religion, report says.
Surprise! You're a Muslim!
Brief conversions can be a family affair for generations.
The Baby Who Rocked the World
Egypt's Identity Impasse
Former Muslims seek to change their government-issued cards as outreach gains ground.
The Middle East's Faithful Are Breathing Fine
A response to David Aikman.
Suffocating the Faithful
Will the last Mideast church leader be sure to turn off the lights?
News Briefs: November 07, 2007
IRS investigation fallout, Muslim convert goes into hiding, and Gordon College receives gift.
Leading Expatriate Pastor David Petrescue Killed
Cairo's Maadi Community Church loses top leader after tragic fall.
Christians and Muslims Riot in Egypt
Plus: Bob Reccord resigns as Baptist mission head, Gospel of Judas backlash, debating "evangelical," and links to 415 news and opinion articles from online sources around the world.
Copts' Night of Terror
Rioting chills Muslim-Christian relations as new parliament is elected.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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