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'The Epitome of a Christian Woman'
A longtime friend of Ruth Graham says this woman of great faith also missed her husband deeply.
Disorderly Disciplines
When I entered motherhood, my traditional spiritual life became impossible.
Surviving a Family-Wrecking Economy
What the church can do about working mothers.
By Women, for Women
Women's Evangelical Commentary offers a complementarian perspective.
Dating Jesus
When 'lover of my soul' language goes too far.
The Mary We Never Knew
Why the mother of Jesus was more revolutionary than we've been led to believe.
Better Late Than Never
Pregnancy care centers move to the inner city.
What Married Women Want
Sociologist Brad Wilcox says one type of marriage makes most women happier.
The Other Plan B
Anne Lamott's sequel to 'Traveling Mercies'.
For Shame?
Why Christians should welcome, rather than stigmatize, unwed mothers and their children.
What (Not All) Women Want
The finicky femininity of 'Captivating' by John and Stasi Eldredge.
Second-half Calling
Former TCW editor asks women to seek purpose after kids leave home.
Pro-life Feminists
An anthology of the strange bedfellows who are all pro-woman and pro-life.
What's to Love About Women's Sports
There's no denying the pure joy and determination of female athletes
30 and Single? It's Your Own Fault
There are more unmarried people in our congregations than ever, and some say that's just sinful.
Bridging the Ephesians 5 Divide
A fresh look at what this controversial marriage passage says--and doesn't say.
A Modest Proposal
Nine tasks egalitarians and complementarians can pursue.
A Peace Plan for the Gender War
How to love your egalitarian or complementarian neighbor as yourself.
A Hard Pill to Swallow
How the tiny tablet upset my soul.
Facing an Unwelcome Truth
We can do better when it comes to bearing the burdens of battered women.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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