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Quick To ListenEpisode 260|1 hr 11min
Why the Transgender Conversation Is Changing
New bans for surgeries and student sports aren't the most dramatic changes in gender identity.
神学家马太·巴雷特(Matthew Barrett)就我们对父、子和灵的正统理解的偏离做出诊断。
神學家馬太·巴雷特(Matthew Barrett)就我們對父、子和靈的正統理解的偏離做出診斷。
Gender-Identity Conversations Don’t Have to Be Scary
Preston Sprinkle gives guidance on thinking biblically and listening in love.
O pensamento evangélico sobre a Trindade costuma ser notavelmente revisionista
O teólogo Matthew Barrett diagnostica nosso afastamento de uma compreensão ortodoxa de Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo.
Evangelical Thinking on the Trinity Is Often Remarkably Revisionist
Theologian Matthew Barrett diagnoses our drift away from an orthodox understanding of Father, Son, and Spirit.
The Triumph of the Sexual Revolution Seems Stunningly Swift. But Its Roots Go Back Centuries.
Carl Trueman maps out the revolutionary shifts that made it possible, then plausible, then actual.
The Alpha-Male Style in American Evangelicalism
A historian asks whether a warped view of masculine authority has corrupted our faith and political witness.
Making Your Church Manlier Won’t Make It Bigger
History tells us that denominational growth has nothing to do with sex ratios in the pews.
The Debate Beneath Our Debates on the Pandemic and the Protests
Our divided responses to national challenges reflect deep divisions on what it means to be human.
How a Reformed Facebook Group’s Private Comments Turned Into a Public Dispute
The social media saga involving Aimee Byrd and Genevan Commons calls for discipline, justice, and restoration beyond “cancel culture.”
A cura para o complementarismo deu errado
A escritora Aimee Byrd repensa o movimento “masculinidade bíblica e feminilidade”.
The Cure for Complementarianism Gone Wrong
Author Aimee Byrd rethinks the “Biblical Manhood and Womanhood” movement.
Women: Don’t Bury Your Leadership Gifts
That persistent sense of calling isn’t a fatal feminine flaw, but an invitation to walk intimately with God.
Why Do Fewer Christian Women Work in Science?
Sociologists explain the data behind the gender gap in STEM careers.
Twelve Christian Women in Science You Should Know
From studying dinosaur bones to creating digital assistants, these women see research as their calling.
Georgia Dunston
Jessica Moerman

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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