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Stay of Execution
Judge allows Terri Schiavo to live a few days longer.
The Mystery of Antiquities
Ossuary owner charged with forgery.
Escapee Denies Rape Charge
Star witness in criminal case against prominent Chinese pastor alleges officials tortured and sexually abused her to gain false testimony.
Adventist Marine Under Fire
Pacifist court-martialed for refusing to pick up his weapon.
No Compromise
Christian school in Colorado alleges discrimination in voucher program.
Muzzled Speech
Christians tried for anti-gay preaching.
A Question of Trusts
Court says Methodist church may leave denomination and keep its property.
Liberties 'Violated'
California Catholic Charities ordered to pay for contraceptives.
Canadian Supreme Court Backs Same-Sex Marriage
Plus: Another religion clash in Egypt, a Baylor bump, and other stories from online sources around the world.
A Problematic Mission?
Would the Spanish friars of California's historic missions have lobbied for the separation of church and state?
Australian Court Rules Pastor and Speaker 'Vilified' Muslims
Plus: Lawsuits over Christmas messages, Intelligent Design, student aid, club invitations, and many non-legal stories from online sources around the world.
Landmark Ruling Puts Freedom of Speech in Focus
Pastors breached Australian state's race, religion laws.
Opportunity Denied
Florida school vouchers flunked for ties to religion.
Do the Wages of Sin Apply After Conversion?
Plus: Religious conservatives love Gonzalez as AG, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Scalia Says State Should Not Be Neutral to Religion
Plus: Flying Anglican bishops, Kristof at it again, clergy in Canada turn to the union, the Air Force and Christianity, Thanksgiving ministry, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Supreme Court Will Rule on Ten Commandments Displays
Plus: Catholic bishops challenge Kerry as evangelical theologians criticize Bush, 110 Iraqi Christians killed, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Bad Cops
Christians say false evidence led to murder acquittals.
Court Guts Porn Law
Activists promote other methods
Church Murders Old and New
Three killed in Colombian church attack as a verdict comes for Oscar Romero 24 years after his martyrdom. Plus: is the religion gap smaller than the money gap?
Third of Three Federal District Courts Calls Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Unconstitutional
Plus: A pastor's plagiarism penitence, The New York Times gets Christian higher ed right twice in a week, and other stories from online sources around the world.

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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