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Jejum em terra de fartura
Abster-se de comer confronta as mentiras que a cultura nos conta sobre o nosso corpo.
Fasting from Food in a Land of Plenty
Abstaining from eating confronts the cultural lies we believe about our bodies.
El celibato como elección
Dejemos de pensar en la soltería como un problema.
No sobreestimes las recompensas de la fidelidad sexual. Tampoco las subestimes.
Las falsas promesas de la cultura de la pureza no deberían eclipsar las promesas de Dios.
Don’t Overstate the Rewards of Sexual Faithfulness. Don’t Understate Them Either.
The false promises of purity culture shouldn’t overshadow the true promises of God.
Why I’m Happy My Son Married at 20
In a world of hookups and cohabitation, he took a leap—and made an act—of faith.
Let the Pregnant Grads Walk
How we treat pregnant teens reveals more about us than them.
Why Are Christian Guys Silent About Abstinence?
When we don’t talk about male virginity, we imply that it’s not important.
True Love Consents: Why Teach Christian Youth about Boundaries
“No means no” matters at every stage.
Russell Wilson, Ciara, and Who Else Is Not Having Sex
The answer might surprise you.
Staying Faithful: How Our Sex Lives Matter to God
A common-ground theology for single and married Christians.
Evangelical Sex Talk Is About Much More Than Sex
Our views on life inside the bedroom can shape our approach to life outside the bedroom.
Body Talk: Beyond the Tween Abstinence Lecture
Media shapes how youth see their bodies. What can the church teach them instead?
‘Jane the Virgin’ Pokes Serious Holes Through Our Reasons to Wait
What a goofy CW comedy gets right about abstinence.
Good Sex Comes to Those Who Wait?
Hook-up sex v. married sex: A warning about incentivizing abstinence with personal pleasure.
An Open Letter to Male Virgins
Despite what society says, our identity does not rely on our sexual status.
Daddy Dearest: How Purity Culture Can Turn Fathers into Idols
Our pledges belong to the Heavenly Father, not our earthly ones.
Don't Blame Evangelicals for the Cult of the Virgin
As the saying goes, we didn’t start the fire.
The Age of Abstinence-Only Sex Ed is Over
With high rates of teen sexual activity, Christian parents must talk safe sex, too.
A Christian Case Against Early Marriage
Sometimes you need to break up to grow up.

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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