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The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 81|41min
Your Questions on Partisan Politics, Panic, and Power
Russell and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
Nikki Haley Courts Iowa Evangelicals Amid Poll Surge
Though Trump remains the frontrunner, poll-watchers say the South Carolina Methodist is having her moment.
Думки американських євангельських християн щодо України розділилися
Кандидати від Республіканської партії пропонують потенційним виборцям взаємовиключні аргументи.
Мнения американских евангельских христиан по Украине разделились
Кандидаты от Республиканской партии предлагают потенциальным избирателям взаимоисключающие доводы.
American Christians and the Anti-American Temptation
Christians can love America—with all of its flaws and failures—precisely because we don’t expect it to be the kingdom of God.
Skeptical of Politicians and Parties, Gen Z Isn’t Pumped for the 2024 Race
But on Christian campuses, first-time voters are still trying to find their own ways to engage the issues.
Un cristiano emprendió una aventura: espera cambiar la forma en que vemos la inmigración
Equipado con la historia, las Escrituras y un restaurante abandonado en la frontera sur, Sami DiPasquale espera poder ablandar los corazones endurecidos por la política.
Christianity Has Anchored Free Societies. What Happens as They Deconvert?
Philosopher John Gray predicts we’re headed for an age of all-consuming moral warfare.
Les évangéliques américains se divisent sur l’Ukraine
Les candidats républicains à la présidence présentent des arguments contradictoires à leurs potentiels électeurs.
İsa Nazik Biriydi, Kibar Değil!
İsa, sosyopolitik ve dini ikiyüzlülük çağında bir nezaket örneğiydi.
After Ohio Train Derailment, Christian Mom Runs for Mayor
Q&A with Misti Allison, who entered local politics because she saw her East Palestine community struggling.
Jesus Was Civil, Not Polite
Christ was an exemplar of civility in an age of sociopolitical and religious hypocrisy.
Campus Antisemitism and the Lessons of a Nazi-Occupied Church
We do not love our “side” if we let it slide into movements that history and our consciences show lead to atrocities.
The Bulletin Episode 49
There’s Someone on The Wing!
Why we love scary movies, a new Speaker takes his seat, and women need a raise.
How to Get Through 2024
Christians can’t know what’s waiting for us next year. But we can know what kind of people we hope to be when we get there.
Evangelical Mike Johnson ‘Raised Up’ as House Speaker
After weeks of jockeying in Congress, Republicans voted in the Bible-quoting Louisiana Southern Baptist.
L’étonnante persistance culturelle du dispensationalisme
En tant qu’école théologique, cette approche est en déclin. En tant que force culturelle et politique, elle est plus influente que jamais.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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