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Tom Nelson: What Is Biblical Rest?
Rest does not mean inactivity.
Tom Nelson: Theology of Vocation
What is the theological definition of vocation?
Gideon Strauss: Theology of Mission
The proclamation of the gospel is at the heart of the mission of God.
Dave Gibbons: The False Sacred/Secular Divide
1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
Kara Powell: Reaching Young Adults
During the "driver's license to marriage license hiatus," young adults tend to leave the church and their faith. How should we—and the church—respond?
Gideon Strauss: The Narrow Faith/Work Conversation
How do we bring the faith/work conversation to all professions and workers?
Tom Nelson: Cultivating a Church Culture that Affirms Work
How does a church develop a doctrine of vocation that extends beyond the confines of Sunday morning worship?
Tom Nelson: Language that Affirms Work
A church's language can affirm or devalue its congregants' work.
Tom Nelson: Addressing the Sunday to Monday Gap
Work matters, and the church should be the first to promote a theology of faith and work.
Dave Gibbons: A Practical Starting Point
What are some practical ways that a pastor or church leader can begin to empower others and affirm a theology of vocation?
Dave Gibbons: Ideas for Vocational Discipleship
Establishing and developing a vision for discipleship that intersects with people's calling and vocation.
Gideon Strauss: Discipleship Practices for Pastors
How can a pastor offer discipleship for those who work in vocations with which the pastor is unfamiliar?
Gideon Strauss: First Steps Toward Implementing Vocational Discipleship
The churches who practice vocational discipleship (and practice it well) are those that incorporate the faith/work discussion into the congregations' ordinary life.
Tom Nelson: Pastoral Malpractice
Tom Nelson shares a pastoral malpractice that completely reshaped his approach to ministry.
Kara Powell: The Dangers of Elevating Certain Vocations
Every person has the opportunity to pastor.
Gideon Strauss: The Professionalization of Church
How have corporate ideas of business helped and hindered the church?
Ayinde Russell: Spoken Word Piece Challenging the Pastoral/Layperson Divide
A critique on the separation of the ordained vs. nonordained roles that have become norm for the church.
Tom Nelson: Q & A - Honoring the Sabbath
Amid the discussion of redeeming work, how do we talk about rest?
Sara Groves: Becoming Obsolete?
No matter what happens, our Maker sees us.
Sara Groves: The Contemplative Work of the Artist
Spiritual insight comes the same way that creative insight does.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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