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Missionários americanos são mortos em Porto Príncipe
Um confronto entre gangues no Haiti deixa três mortos e uma casa em chamas. E a intervenção das forças internacionais ainda é aguardada.
Deux missionnaires américains et un responsable haïtien tués à Port-au-Prince
Une attaque de gang contre une mission laisse trois morts et une maison en feu. L’intervention internationale se fait encore attendre.
Misioneros estadounidenses asesinados en Puerto Príncipe
Un ataque de pandilleros en Haití deja tres muertos y una casa en llamas. Las fuerzas internacionales se retrasan de nuevo.
‘The Chosen’ batte il record della serie TV più tradotta di tutti i tempi
La celebre serie sulla vita di Gesù è disponibile attualmente in 50 lingue, alle quali se ne aggiungeranno altre 550.
American Missionaries Killed in Port-au-Prince
Gang attack in Haiti leaves three dead and a house on fire as international forces are delayed again.
World Vision Appeals Employment Discrimination Case to Ninth Circuit
Federal appeals courts are starting to wrestle with how nondiscrimination laws apply to religious organizations when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity.
Les chrétiens peuvent agir contre la pollution plastique
Une communauté du Honduras ouvre la voie à la collecte locale des déchets et prie pour un traité international sur les plastiques.
Iranian Christians Contemplate God’s Justice after President’s Death in Crash
Believers in the diaspora reference Daniel and the “writing on the wall” as many mull if helicopter accident portends more changes to come.
Died: Marshall Allen, Christian Muckraker Who Held the Health Care Industry Accountable
His reporting was marked by a cheerful determination to uncover truth, which friends and coworkers attributed to his faith.
Moral Failures by Christian Leaders Are a Huge Problem. Can New Standards Help?
ECFA is adding leadership integrity to its accountability criteria.
AI Preachers and Teachers? No Thanks, Say Most Americans.
American Bible Society study finds majority don’t trust technology with spiritual matters.
The Caregiving Boom Needs Spiritual Support
By calling or circumstance, millions in the “sandwich generation” feel the weight and cost of tending to aging relatives.
Died: KODA, the Ghanaian Gospel Star Who Sang Hits Rebuking Pastors
The highlife musician challenged the materialism and extortion he encountered too often in the church.
Died: Nguyen Quang Trung, Mennonite Who Led Church Through Dark Days in Vietnam
From 1978 to 2008, he fought for legal recognition and freedom to worship for the Anabaptist denomination.
Christian Billionaire Goes on Trial for Major Wall Street Fraud
Federal prosecutors are trying to prove that Bill Hwang committed massive market manipulation through his investment firm Archegos. His defense says he was trading like anyone else on Wall Street.
Christian Women in India Lack Inheritance Rights. Could Hindu Nationalists Help?
The Uniform Civil Code seeks “one nation, one law” to govern citizens' personal lives, but religious minorities fear hidden costs.
‘The Chosen’ Breaks Record for Most-Translated TV Show
The popular series about Jesus is now available in 50 languages with plans for 550 more.
“Elas estão dando tudo o que têm”: como pequenas igrejas estão salvando vidas nas enchentes do Rio Grande do Sul
Em um dos estados mais seculares do país, pequenas congregações têm tido um grande impacto com sua resposta à catástrofe.
‘Offering Everything They Have’: How Small Churches Are Saving Lives in Brazil’s Floods
In the country's most secular state, tiny congregations have made a big impact by their disaster response.
Died: Gospel for Asia Founder Athanasius Yohannan
The champion of “native missions” trained more than 100,000 evangelists but got in trouble for financial mismanagement.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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