Speaking Out

Under DeVos, the Real School Choice Christians Face
The future of public education will depend on the church.
Where Obama's Final Push for a Two-State Solution Leaves Trump
Three Christians explain the intensifying world debate over Israel's West Bank settlements.
Secular Pro-Lifer Nat Hentoff Showed Me the Holistic Power of Truth
I learned from the late Village Voice columnist that Christians need not fear free speech.
History Shows Us Why Being Evangelical Matters
Evangelicalism yesterday helps us embrace the label today.
However You Vote, Do It with Joy
A Christian approach to politics frees us from duty or strategy.
Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Leaders: California, Please Protect Religious Liberty
We call on the State Assembly to abandon Senate Bill 1146.
Is There a Better Way to Fight 'Political Correctness'?
When language is a tool for coercion, nobody wins.
Christians Don't Want to Stop Serving Their LGBT Neighbors
A balanced take on the gay rights-religious freedom debate requires an understanding of complicity.
The Church at Its Racial Turning Point
Five ways forward after the recent tragic events.
As UK Votes 'In' or 'Out' on EU, Christians Have Two Tasks
Today, the United Kingdom decides on its European Union membership. Tomorrow, the most important role of Christians begins.
Tim Keller and John Inazu: How Christians Can Bear Gospel Witness in an Anxious Age
Our confidence in the gospel spurs us to serve our communities, not to shrink back when they decide they no longer need us.
Cox Killing Shows Why Brexit and Trump-Clinton Need 'Civil' Religion
Disagreement without division must be possible in UK and US politics. Christians can get us there.
How Urban Christians Failed President Obama
The transgender bathroom directive is the latest sign that we shouldn't have given him a pass.
5 Surprising Spiritual Benefits of Owning Less Stuff
Minimalism was meant to help our finances. Here’s how it helped our faith.
The Kasich Conundrum
How one of America's most Christian candidates became the most offensive.
Can People of Color Really Make Themselves at Home?
There's a big difference between being a guest in a largely white organization and being able to "move the furniture."
What Jen Hatmaker Gets Right about Christian Love
Reactions to her message to LGBT people highlight how confused we are about love and repentance.
Christians Can Hold Their Bladders and Still Shop at Target
Consider the missional implications before you boycott.
James Dobson: Why Children Are a National Blessing
Under-population is the deeper global problem.
Stop Calling Ted Cruz a Dominionist
The Christian candidate's faith influences his platform, but not in the ways most critics assume.

Top Story July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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