Speaking Out

Yes, Justice Has Been Done in the Killing of Osama bin Laden
But our response as Christians must be marked by knowledge of our own depravity.
The Adoption Crusade
What a misleading article in the 'The Nation' can teach evangelicals.
Why There Are Still Atheists
The heavens aren't the only proclaimers (and are sometimes silent).
Why Natural Law Arguments Make Evangelicals Uncomfortable
A recent paper highlights the differences between evangelical and Catholic defense of traditional marriage.
Sin in the Double Helix
Reports linking moral behavior to genetic traits actually prove Scripture's claims, not undermine them.
The Uganda Conspiracy Theory
Activists have targeted the country as murderously homophobic.
Not Many of You Should Presume to Be Bloggers
How social media changed theological debate.
Behind Egypt's Revolution
Away from news cameras, Christian, Muslim youth rediscover common ground.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Gospel of Christ
Why Egypt's Christians might actually be safer if the Muslim Brotherhood were a part of the ruling government.
The United States Needs an Ambassador for Religious Freedom Now
The Obama administration must send a clear signal to Egypt and the Middle East that they must embrace religious freedom in full.
Why We Opened Our Church to Muslims
A response to "Muslims in Evangelical Churches."
Conviction and Civility
We should not lose this moment for moral reflection and renewal.
The Lazy Slander of Pro-Lifers
Do pro-lifers care only for life inside the womb?
Satan Appears Before the Supreme Court
His influence in the case before the justices was hypothetical, but it didn't have to be a joke.
Suffering and Rejoicing in a Haitian Tent Camp
What I learned in this church surpasses anything I've seen at a stunning cathedral.
Marriage: Marginalized in the Middle
The American retreat from marriage is moving into the heart of the social order: the middle class.
Progress Against AIDS Falters
Christians should make the moral case for sustaining aid programs.
Pass the Casserole
Losing control over your eating—like, when you can’t cook after surgery for cancer—has a way of turning anxiety into gratitude.
God Loves a Good Romance
Marriage is about more than feelings—but it is never less.
Finding Christ Throughout — and Beyond — Scripture
We need both J. I. Packer's and the Orthodox Presbyterians' approaches to hear Christ speak.

Top Story July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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