Third Culture

Third Culture looks at matters of faith from the multicultural and minority perspective.
Peter Chin

Peter Chin

Peter W. Chin is the pastor of Rainier Avenue Church and author of Blindsided By God. His advocacy work for racial reconciliation has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning, NPR, and the Washington Post.

The Problem with 'Mad Max' Feminism
The Problem with 'Mad Max' Feminism
Is men’s propensity for violence really something to be imitated?
How Hurt Pastors Hurt People
How Hurt Pastors Hurt People
Some people try to hurt pastors, but most do not. Every person deserves the chance to prove that they are the latter and not the former.
How to Destroy Your Pastor
How to Destroy Your Pastor
What threatens pastors most is not the attack that comes from outside the church, but the criticisms of cliques from within.
Raising a Generation of Peacemakers, Part Two
Raising a Generation of Peacemakers, Part Two
What does it mean to be both a peacemaker and a parent at the same time? A guest post from Russell Jeung.
Raising a Generation of Peacemakers, Part One
Raising a Generation of Peacemakers, Part One
Following Jesus may put us in harm's way. But we should never be alone in that endeavor. A guest post from Russell Jeung.
We Are More Than '21'
We Are More Than '21'
The '21' showed us that despite our differences, we are one family in Christ.
Piety in the #Ashtag Era
Piety in the #Ashtag Era
Jesus never said, "When you give, make sure to use a hashtag to let other people know."
Dancing With Cancer
Dancing With Cancer
Suffering and joy are not mutually exclusive. God can be present in both. An excerpt from Peter's book.
When You Don't Know What God Is Up To
When You Don't Know What God Is Up To
Sometimes all you need to know that a gift is good is to know Who gave it to you.
The Day I Became a Man
The Day I Became a Man
There is a time for lament, and a time for lament to cease. An excerpt from Peter's new book.
Miscarriage, and Our Love Affair With Euphemism
Miscarriage, and Our Love Affair With Euphemism
A excerpt from Peter's upcoming book, Blindsided By God
When Disappointment Is The Best Thing For Us
When Disappointment Is The Best Thing For Us
Disappointment really hurts. But perhaps it hurts for an important reason.
Making Room For Those With None
Making Room For Those With None
We all know there was no room for Christ at the inn. But is it the same in our own lives? A guest post by Sherry Woods
Please Stop Asking 'But What About...?'
Please Stop Asking 'But What About...?'
True sympathy is wonderful. Playing one form of suffering against another is not.
How To Be A Christlike Ally
How To Be A Christlike Ally
Many of us want to be allies to our African American brothers and sisters but don't know how. The incarnation of Jesus shows us the way.
Ferguson, Church, and Continuing the Conversation
Ferguson, Church, and Continuing the Conversation
How can we continue the conversation on race in every season? A guest post by Rich Villodas
America the Beautiful, America the Violent
America the Beautiful, America the Violent
Ferguson may be about race, but it is also about violence. And we should have something to say about both.
Asking 'Why Me, God?' But in a Different Way
Asking 'Why Me, God?' But in a Different Way
The question "Why me, God?" can be a lament, but also an expression of gratitude.
No Such Thing As Convenient Christianity
No Such Thing As Convenient Christianity
Convenience is deeply engrained in American life. But it has no place in the life of faith.
What It's Like to Be Third Culture, and Why It Matters to the Church
What It's Like to Be Third Culture, and Why It Matters to the Church
The cultural terrain immigrants must navigate is difficult, but is also a source of strength.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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