Church Life+Ministry

BOOKS: Friends or Lovers?
Pentecostals Renounce Racism
Memphis gathering begins mending historic rift.
Episcopal Bishop Joins Others on Road to Rome
Do We Still Need the Reformation? Part 1
Why I Signed ‘Evangelicals and Catholics Together’
The recent statement recognizes an important truth: Those who love the Lord must stand together.
Don't Mimic Modern Universities
Natural Born Sinners
Gordon Aeschliman in Cairo
Earthquake in the Mainline
After a year of debate and division, a Presbyterian theologian explores what went wrong at last year's controversial Re-Imagining conference.
In the Name of Sophia
Seeking a biblical understanding of holy wisdom
Virgin Birth Under Dispute
The new Jesus seminar discounts the Virgin birth
Southern Discomfort
Get Real
ARTICLE: Shouting Heresy in the Temple of Darwin
Naturalism has become the civil religion of our universities. A game plan for Christian response
ARTICLE: The Good Capitalist
Michael Novak's theology of liberation
ARTICLE: Why They Helped the Jews
What we can learn from the Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust.

Top Story June 22, 2024

What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.

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