Church Life+Ministry

Re-engineering the Seminary?
Crisis of credibility forces change.
Is Word-Faith Movement Out on a Limb
PHILIP YANCEY: The Power of Writing
EDITORIAL: Abusing Human Rights
BOOKS: Great Scots
BOOKS: Nun the Wiser
BOOKS: The Mind of Christ
Denominations Urged to Turn Focus 'Outward'
EDITORIAL: Blinded by the ’Lite’
Dying modernity is into spirituality. What does this trend portend?
Reaching the First Post-Christian Generation
Raised in a world of MTV, AIDS, and a trillion-dollar debt, Generation X is making new demands on the church
ARTICLE: Testing the Spiritualities
ARTICLE: Charting Dispensationalism
SIDEBAR: Dispensationalisms of the Third Kind
ARTICLE: Clocking Out
Women are choosing to leave the workforce in increasing numbers. What does this mean for the church?
Science Finds Religion at Symposium
Academic disciplines meet at C S. Lewis conference
New Catechism a Bestseller
Churches Challenge Synod Ruling

Top Story June 22, 2024

What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.

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