Church Life+Ministry

RE-Imagining Labeled 'Reckless'
PCUSA says conference pushed 'beyond the boundries.'
Divided Pentecostal Groups to Pursue Unity
The Church After Rodney King
Not violence, but indifference to the evil of race and class bias is the persistent sin of white Christians.
Eugene Peterson: A Monk Out of Habit
What spirituality has to do with place, creativity, community, and subversion.
Hard Questions for Robert Schuller About Sin and Self-Esteem
Controversy has swirled around Robert Schuller’s teachings about self-esteem and possibility thinking. Some have accused him of being soft on the doctrine of sin. To answer these questions we went to Schuller personally, as well as to his writings and preaching.
The Legend(s) of John Todd
The Christian Church in Burma
'Tell the missionaries that there are now twice as many Christians as when they left.'
Preaching with Power and Purpose
Success may never appear in time, but it will in eternity.
Today’s Seminary Students: Back to Basics
Many nonevangelicals are reaffirming the church's traditional style and spirit.
Church and Seminary: A Reciprocal Relationship
Seminaries need the church to provide models. Churches need the scholarship of the seminary.
Reaffirm Your Family Ties
Visibly communicate that the parents are an integral part of the wedding ceremony.
Evangelizing Muslims: Are There Ways?
The church has been programmed to accept the inevitabilities of meager results.
Operation Auca: Four Years After Martyrdoms
A 1960 update on Elisabeth Elliot and her plan to bring the gospel to the Ecuadorian tribe.
Biblical Authority in Evangelism
I had many doubts about the Bible. Now I see Scripture as a flame that melts away unbelief.
The Primary Task of the Church
Why bringing men and women into a saving relationship to God through Jesus Christ beats any other emphasis.

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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