Church Life+Ministry

A Bridge Over Troubled People
Sinners of all stripes find a church home under the I-35.
A Captivating Vision
Why Chinese house churches may just end up fulfilling the Great Commission.
Emerging from the Shadows
House-church Christians start renting buildings, and dream of evangelism.
Faith-based Child Abuse?
Shamblin defends Atlanta couple charged with murder.
Healing Genocide
Ten years after the slaughter, Rwandans begin to mend their torn nation with a justice that is both biblical and African.
Witnessing with The Passion
Christians gear up to evangelize - with help from Mel Gibson.
A Copt at College
An Unusual Church of Christ
Lucado has been making some controversial changes
Network for the Alienated
Episcopal conservatives seek to reclaim wayward church.
Quake Opens Door to Gospel
How Christians are trying to ease tensions in the Islamic Republic.
Vacation Bible School Wars
Critics say SBC curriculum about Asia is 'racially offensive.'
Heidi Neumark Transfigures the Bronx for some Breathing Space
After spending 20 years as pastor of a church in the Bronx, Heidi Neumark realized that sometimes people just need some room to breathe.
American Missionaries, Local Student Killed in Uganda
Couple was willing to help anyone, anywhere, anytime.
A Methodist Mob Mugging
There are real victims in the farce that was the Methodist church trial of a lesbian minister.
Q & A: Franklin Graham
President of Samaritan's Purse on Sudan
How the Late Carl Henry Helped Invent Evangelicalism
No one was more pivotal to the emerging movement than Carl F.H. Henry
Burma's Almost Forgotten
Christians find themselves battered by the world's longest civil war and a brutally repressive regime
Activist Presbyterian May Lose Credentials
Denomination concerned about character and conduct of church criticism
Gospel Gem
How a dying jewelry tycoon shares the pearl of great price with Panama's elite
House-Church Christian Dies in Custody
Family saw prisoner injured and bound with heavy chains.

Top Story June 23, 2024

‘Going for the Jugular’ Does Not Wash Away Sin
‘Going for the Jugular’ Does Not Wash Away Sin
Why the life and death of disgraced culture warrior Paul Pressler should serve as a warning to all of us.

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