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Until the Next World Comes, Christians Hold This World Together
How the early church’s example of public witness helps us avoid the extremes of triumphalism and retreat.
Scarcity’s Strange Gifts
Church attendance is down. Giving is iffy. Ministers are tired. But God is with us in lean times too.
‘Rattlesnakes Don’t Commit Suicide’
This Juneteenth, the life of unsung civil rights hero Fred Shuttlesworth should be a clarion call to the biblical activism we still need to advance racial justice in America.
A Writer’s Creative Calling Isn’t Found in the Middle of a Crowd
Award-winning author E. Lily Yu speaks about her faith, her deep love of language, and the perils of “moving with the majority.”
Being HumanEpisode 19|29min
Is the Gospel Preventative or Redemptive?
Considering the power of what Jesus has done for us.
If You’re a Christian, You Should Probably Thank Your Mom
A majority of American Protestants were raised by devout mothers, a study finds.
طريق ليست لضعيفي القلوب
تكلفة الصليب في عالم يحب المتعة
Our Faith Is Not Too Fragile for Science
An excerpt from The Sacred Chain: How Understanding Evolution Leads to Deeper Faith.
Le nouvel athéisme a finalement trouvé comment détruire le christianisme.
Le « christianisme » culturel de Richard Dawkins pourrait faire dérailler notre foi bien plus efficacement que toute attaque directe.
O neoateísmo finalmente aprendeu como destruir o cristianismo
O “cristianismo” cultural de Richard Dawkins tem potencial para esvaziar nossa fé com muito mais eficiência do que ataques diretos.
New Atheism Finally Learns How to Destroy Christianity
Richard Dawkins’s cultural “Christianity” could hollow out our faith far more efficiently than straightforward attacks.
An Eclipse Is Evidence of Things Unseen
Astronomy teaches us to see the light in the world’s darkness.
Faith Deconstruction Can Be a Search for Answers or a Search for Exits
Christians should encourage doubters’ questions. They should also discern what those questions might be seeking.
How Can a Christian Perfectionist Find Rest?
An excerpt from Peace over Perfection on the command to “be perfect,” the exhaustion of scrupulosity, and rest in Christ.
O Ye of Overconfident Faith
Like the disciples, we need to learn the difference between trust in Jesus and spiritual cockiness.
Where Ya From?Episode 65|1 hr 4min
‘Beauty and Chaos’ with Lina AbuJamra
Experiencing the goodness of God in the midst of pain and suffering.
Dans Dune, deuxième partie, les doux n’héritent de rien.
Que se passe-t-il lorsqu’un sauveur choisit non pas la croix, mais l’épée ?
The Meek Inherit Nothing in ‘Dune: Part Two’
What happens when a savior chooses not a cross but a sword?
A dúvida é um caminho, não o destino
As igrejas devem estar abertas a perguntas. Mas isso não exige que aceitem a dúvida perpétua.
Em meio à batalha, parem de lutar
Com tanta coisa em jogo, como podemos seguir a instrução do salmista?

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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