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Bavinck alerta: sem o cristianismo, o racismo e o nacionalismo prosperariam
O teólogo holandês argumentou que a visão de mundo bíblica é fundamentalmente incompatível com o etnocentrismo.
Sans foi chrétienne, racisme et nationalisme prospèrent. La mise en garde d’Herman Bavinck
Le théologien néerlandais soutenait qu’une vision biblique du monde est fondamentalement incompatible avec l’ethnocentrisme.
Бавінк попереджав, що без християнства розквітнуть расизм та націоналізм
Голландський теолог стверджував, що біблійний світогляд має фундаментальну несумісність із етноцентризмом.
Бавинк предупреждал, что без христианства будут процветать расизм и национализм
Голландский теолог утверждал, что библейское мировоззрение имеет фундаментальную несовместимость с этноцентризмом.
Bavinck Warned that Without Christianity, Racism and Nationalism Thrive
The Dutch theologian argued the biblical worldview is fundamentally incompatible with ethnocentrism.
‘Christ Is King’ Is Not the Slogan Some White Nationalists Want It to Be
Jesus’ lordship is not good news for those who want to use him to become kings themselves.
如何 (不) 談論「基督教民族主義」
White Evangelicals Want Christian Influence, Not a ‘Christian Nation’
A new study finds white evangelicals are most eager to see their faith reflected more in the government, but very few say they support Christian nationalism.
How (Not) to Talk About ‘Christian Nationalism’
The phrase is increasingly useless—unfairly applied to ordinary Christians yet too weak to sufficiently condemn “another gospel” in our midst.
American Democracy Is in Trouble. No, Not Like That.
Ill-defined talk about Christian nationalism misses a more serious threat: Christian leaders neglecting the real concerns of the laity.
‘God & Country’ Preaches to the Choir
Rob Reiner’s documentary makes a strong case against political extremism in the name of Christ—for those who already agree.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 83|47min
Tim Alberta on the White Evangelical Crisis
The author joins Moore to discuss faith, fear, and the future of America.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 81|41min
Your Questions on Partisan Politics, Panic, and Power
Russell and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
L’étonnante persistance culturelle du dispensationalisme
En tant qu’école théologique, cette approche est en déclin. En tant que force culturelle et politique, elle est plus influente que jamais.
Viral JesusEpisode 80|52min
How Did the Bible Become a Political Prop?
Kaitlyn Schiess traces the misuse of Scripture in American politics and encourages us to bring deeper discipleship to our political engagement.
The Problem with Anti-Anti-Christian Nationalism
Moderate Christian nationalists shouldn't be smeared. But neither should extremism be defended.
O surpreendente poder de subsistência do dispensacionalismo
Como doutrina teológica, ele está em declínio. Como força cultural e política, está mais influente do que nunca.
The Surprising Staying Power of Dispensationalism
As a school of theology, it’s in decline. As a cultural and political force, it’s more influential than ever.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 62|46min
Your Questions on Apologetics, Politics, and Johnny Cash
Russell and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
Creemos en el poder del evangelio, no en el evangelio del poder
El documental de la familia Duggar nos recuerda a los cristianos que no somos la generación de Josué, sino la de Jesús.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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