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What Hath Jerusalem To Do With Mar-a-Lago?
Donald Trump owns many properties; American Christianity cannot be one of them.
Scarcity’s Strange Gifts
Church attendance is down. Giving is iffy. Ministers are tired. But God is with us in lean times too.
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.
All Churches Should Require Background Checks
As a former police officer and PCA elder, I believe this basic step can protect congregations from predators.
The SBC’s Abuse Prevention Work Is Not Done
Five years ago, our messengers pledged to take substantive action to end sexual abuse in our churches. We cannot let another year pass with that promise unfulfilled.
Hillsong Abuse Settlement Rejected Over NDA
Victim says she wants accountability more than money.
The Church Shouldn’t Be an Echo Chamber
Let us not give up meeting together—even when we disagree.
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.
The Struggle to Hold It Together When a Church Falls Apart
How do we carry on when there’s more confusion and hurt than clarity and healing?
Yes, Charisma Has a Place in the Pulpit
But let’s not mistake it for calling.
After United Methodist Split, Some Conservatives Remain
Study: 24 percent of clergy in North Carolina are still opposed to same-sex marriage.
More Pastors Are Leaving Ministry Over Church Conflict
But experts say it can offer opportunities for leaders and congregations to grow.
Would Jesus Overturn Your Board Table?
I served on the RZIM board. Christians in many leadership roles can learn from my failures.
Global Methodists Want to Check Bishops
Ahead of the first general conference, the new denomination is weighing possible limits on leaders.
Global Methodists Run Toward Renewal
On the other side of disaffiliation, traditionalist congregations pursue prayer, revival, and revitalization.
How a Chinese Church in America Surmounts Racism and Ethnocentrism
Their Chinese pastor prayed and shared pulpits with Black and white pastors and volunteered to deliver packages to know the multicultural surroundings better.
In Six-Hour Meeting, Park Street Votes to Affirm Current Leadership
Senior minister Mark Booker asks the historic evangelical congregation to commit to work of repair after “break of trust.”
Park Street Divided: Congregation Asked to End Conflict with a Vote
A clash over leadership at the landmark evangelical church in Boston is testing the strength of democratic governance.
Hackers Try to Take AI to Church
Colorado “hackathon” inspires search for algorithms to help Christian congregations.
Big Trouble in Small Groups
A pastor offers practical advice for the top three hurdles of church small groups: childcare, commitment, and over-talkers.