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Being HumanEpisode 20|48min
Men, Women, Power, and Health with Kadi Cole
Insights from one of the world’s foremost leaders.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 108|51min
Brian Klaas Tells Me Where I’m Wrong on Chance
The political scientist on physics, polling, and power.
How to Be a Christian Influencer Worthy of the Name
We do not deserve to wield influence in the church while being simps and sycophants to the secular world.
Being HumanEpisode 17|47min
Grieve, Breathe, Receive with Steve Carter
Walking the path to peace when life is upended.
Jésus renverserait-il la table de votre conseil ?
J’ai siégé au sein d’un conseil d’administration défaillant. Les chrétiens exerçant des responsabilités pourraient tirer des leçons de mes manquements.
Would Jesus Overturn Your Board Table?
I served on the RZIM board. Christians in many leadership roles can learn from my failures.
O alto preço da fama de Pilatos
Bilhões de pessoas conhecem o nome do governador romano. Mas ele não reconheceu o próprio filho de Deus que esteve diante dele.
Praying in the Shadow of Gethsemane
What Jesus’ midnight prayer in the garden tells us about cosmic conflict in the supernatural realm.
The Steep Price of Pilate’s Fame
Billions know the Roman governor’s name. But he didn’t know the very son of God standing before him.
Your Politics May Be Less Bible-Based than You Think
Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles is a bracing call to return to Scripture, but some of his specific political applications are dubious.
Dans Dune, deuxième partie, les doux n’héritent de rien.
Que se passe-t-il lorsqu’un sauveur choisit non pas la croix, mais l’épée ?
The Meek Inherit Nothing in ‘Dune: Part Two’
What happens when a savior chooses not a cross but a sword?
Truth from Power
David E. Fitch’s Reckoning with Power offers Christians a purer model of power but misreads how power operates in the ministry of the church.
Pharaon, savais-tu ?
Ou comment de simples bergers ont ébranlé le pouvoir égyptien.
Mary Was More Than a Mother
Treating her as a static figure obscures a lifetime of gospel witness.
Pharaoh, Did You Know?
How the shepherds upended Egyptian power.
The Bulletin Episode 51|52min
Power Is a Heckuva Drug
IHOP’s Mike Bickle faces abuse charges, Bobby Knight dies, and Mike Pence bows out.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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