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Buscaba protegerme de los monstruos. Sin darme cuenta, me convertí en uno de ellos
Una vida de violencia y adicciones me llevó al borde de la muerte, pero también me llevó al pie de la cruz.
Confessions of a Loner
As a newlywed and a new mother, I built exactly the life I wanted. The only thing missing was everyone else.
The Counterintuitive Lesson of Caring for Yourself First
Jesus asked if we want to get well. But do we?
Не спішіть сумувати через церковну «бездомність»
Це нормально оплакувати втрачене, але не слід втрачати надії на прийдешнє.
Не спешите горевать о церковной «бездомности»
Это нормально оплакивать утраченное, но не следует терять надежды на будущее.
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.
To Guard Against the Monsters in My Life, I Became a Monster Myself
A lifestyle of violence and addiction nearly destroyed me, but it brought me to the foot of the cross.
I Didn’t Want a Baby. I Wanted This Baby.
Mourning miscarriage means acknowledging the particular life that’s been lost.
اللقاء في بستان القبر
يبقى يسوع معنا في خسارتنا، أثناء عيد الفصح وبعده.
Encontrado no jardim do sepulcro
Jesus permanece conosco nas perdas, durante e depois da Páscoa.
Ditemui di Taman Makam
Yesus tetap bersama kita dalam kehilangan kita, baik selama Paskah maupun setelahnya.
El encuentro en el sepulcro del huerto
Jesús permanece con nosotros en medio del dolor, tanto durante como después de la Pascua.
동산 무덤에서 만나다
예수님은 부활절 기간과 그 이후에도 슬픔 가운데 있는 우리와 함께하십니다.
À notre rencontre au jardin du tombeau
Dimanche de Pâques – Jésus reste avec nous dans notre deuil, à Pâques et au-delà.
Being HumanEpisode 5|44min
The Journey into Emotional Health
Steve welcomes his wife, therapist Lisa Cuss, for a discussion on trauma, grief, and healing.
To Be Met at the Garden Tomb
Jesus lingers with us in our loss, both during and beyond Easter.
It’s Okay to Have an Unhappy New Year
We know holiness doesn’t always lead to happiness. But what if our unhappiness can itself be holy?
L’Avent pour les cœurs en deuil
L’espérance d’une réunion qui nous aide à persévérer aujourd’hui.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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