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Why John MacArthur Is Wrong About MLK
The prominent pastor’s claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was “not a Christian” is not only ahistorical. It misses God’s heart for justice.
Que os reformados do Senhor digam não ao cessacionismo
A descrença na obra miraculosa do Espírito está ganhando espaço em alguns círculos cristãos, mas está travando uma batalha perdida.
Let the Reformed of the Lord Say No to Cessationism
Disbelief in the Spirit’s miraculous work is gaining ground in some Christian circles, but it’s fighting a losing battle.
Grace Community Church處理家暴案時無視教會長老對「行公義」的呼籲
在知名牧師約翰·麥克阿瑟(John MacArthur)的教會,尋求聖經諮商的女性表示,她們擔心自己試圖得到家暴保護的行為會受到教會的懲處。教會一位前領導人盼望教會能在這樣的錯誤中有所改變。
Grace Community Church处理家暴案时无视教会长老对“行公义”的呼吁
在知名牧师约翰·麦克阿瑟(John MacArthur)的教会,寻求圣经咨商的女性表示,她们担心自己试图得到家暴保护的行为会受到教会的惩处。教会一位前领导人盼望教会能在这样的错误中有所改变。
Grace Community Church rechazó los llamados de un anciano para ‘hacer justicia’ en caso de abuso
Mientras que un exlíder espera un cambio, las mujeres que buscaron refugio en la consejería bíblica en la iglesia de John MacArthur dicen que temían ser disciplinadas por buscar protección de situaciones de abuso en sus matrimonios.
L’Église de John MacArthur rejette les appels d’un ancien à « faire justice » dans une affaire d’abus
Des femmes ayant cherché secours auprès de la Grace Community Church disent avoir craint une mise sous discipline pour avoir tenté de se mettre à l’abri de conjoints abusifs.
A igreja de John MacArthur rejeitou os apelos de um presbítero para “fazer justiça” em um caso de abuso
Enquanto um ex-líder anseia por mudanças, mulheres que buscaram refúgio no aconselhamento bíblico da Grace Community Church dizem que temeram ser disciplinadas ao procurarem ajuda por causa de seus casamentos abusivos.
Grace Community Church Rejected Elder’s Calls to ‘Do Justice’ in Abuse Case
While a former leader hopes for change, women who sought refuge in biblical counseling at John MacArthur’s church say they feared discipline for seeking safety from their abusive marriages.
Por qué John Perkins no quería más cristianos blancos como Jonathan Edwards
Una historia violenta y pecaminosa exige una presentación más clara del evangelio.
Why John Perkins Didn’t Want More White Christians like Jonathan Edwards
A violent and sinful history calls for a clearer presentation of the gospel.
No, la libertad religiosa no envía a las personas al infierno
Por qué los cristianos deberían apoyar la idea de que nuestro gobierno se mantenga al margen de los asuntos religiosos.
No, Religious Freedom Doesn’t Send People to Hell
Why Christians should support our government staying out of religious affairs.
John MacArthur’s Church to Receive $800K COVID-19 Settlement
Ahead of the legal payments, the California pastor acknowledged that he and others contracted the virus last winter.
Is Religious Liberty Really a Dance With the Devil?
Tertullian, Roger Williams, and John MacArthur debate the perils of freedom.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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