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With Texas’ Deportation Law on Pause, Migrants Turn to the Church
“We’re not being political. We’re just trying to get you what you need.”
Attaque de Clapham : l’aide des églises britanniques aux migrants musulmans sur la sellette
Selon un pasteur évangélique, les témoignages de responsables religieux n’ont jamais été censés être le facteur décisif dans l’évaluation des demandes d’asile.
UK Churches’ Outreach to Muslim Migrants Scrutinized After Clapham Attack
Evangelical leader: Ministers’ testimonies were never intended to be the “make-or-break” factor in judging asylum applications.
Mon ami pasteur soutient la politique frontalière de Trump. Il héberge aussi des migrants.
Il est politiquement commode de considérer les migrants comme des « envahisseurs ». Mais à la frontière, la réalité est plus complexe.
Mi amigo pastor coincide con la política fronteriza de Trump. También brinda refugio a los migrantes
Es políticamente conveniente tratar a los migrantes como «invasores». Pero aquí, en el oeste de Texas, la realidad es más complicada.
My Pastor Friend Likes Trump’s Border Policy. He Also Shelters Migrants.
It’s politically convenient to treat migrants as “invaders.” But here in West Texas, reality is more complicated.
Слов’янські церкви Америки наповнюються біженцями від війни в Україні
Одне покоління біженців із пострадянського простору вітає інше.
Славянские церкви Америки наполняются беженцами от войны в Украине
Одно поколение беженцев из постсоветского пространства приветствует другое.
US Slavic Churches Booming with Ukrainian War Refugees
One generation of Soviet refugees is welcoming another.
망명지를 찾던 중국 기독교인들, 미국으로 간다.
업데이트됨: 방콕에서 체포된 후, “메이플라워 교회”는 미국으로 떠난다.
最新消息: 在曼谷被捕后,“五月花教会”已抵达美国。
最新消息: 在曼谷被捕後,「五月花教會」已抵達美國。
Chinese Christians Seeking Asylum Fly to US
UPDATED: After arrest in Bangkok, the “Mayflower church” leaves for America.
No dejemos el ministerio migrante solo en la frontera
Sami DiPasquale habla sobre el aumento en el número de solicitantes de asilo, y cómo la iglesia en todo el país puede ayudar.
Don’t Leave Migrant Ministry to the Border
Q&A with Sami DiPasquale, head of an El Paso nonprofit, on what the surge of asylum seekers is like on the ground and how the church all over the country can help.
Why The Church Should Lead In Building the Future With Migrants and Refugees
Our view of God grows because of our interactions and relationships with those who came from different countries.
한국이 ‘메이플라워’ 교회를 추방하려는 움직임에 따라, 중국 크리스천들은 십자가를 회피하는 이슈에 대해 논쟁중이다.
중국 본토 신자들은 메이플라워 교회 신도들의 우려에 공감하면서도, 중국을 떠나 제주도로 도피하기로 한 결정에 대해서는 신학적으로 동의하지 않는다.
No, Western Christians Are Not In Exile
But the church will live under occupation until the return of our King.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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