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Fuller Theological Seminary Names New President
The seminary’s sixth leader, David Emmanuel Goatley, is an academic, pastor, and missions agency leader rooted in the Black church.
‘하나님의 말씀에 따라’ 투자한 억만장자가 수십억 달러 사기 혐의로 기소되다
화이트칼라 범죄 전문가들이 버니 메이도프 이후 월스트리트의 가장 심각한 기소 대상으로 보는 범죄의 중심에 빌 황(Bill Hwang)이 있다.
比尔·黄(Bill Hwang)是白领犯罪专家眼中的自伯尼·麦道夫(Bernie Madoff)以来华尔街最大起诉案的中心。
比爾·黃(Bill Hwang)是白領犯罪專家眼中的自伯尼·麥道夫(Bernie Madoff)以來華爾街最大起訴案的中心。
Billionaire Who Invested ‘According to the Word of God’ Charged with Multibillion-Dollar Fraud
Bill Hwang is at the center of what white-collar crime experts see as Wall Street’s biggest indictment since Bernie Madoff.
現在因高風險交易而成為金融頭條的Archegos Capital的首席執行官,也因對基督教事工的慷慨奉獻而聞名。
现在因高风险交易而成为金融头条的Archegos Capital的首席执行官,也因对基督教事工的慷慨奉献而闻名。
Wall Street Crisis Could Cost Evangelical Orgs
The CEO of Archegos Capital, now making financial headlines for risky trading, is also known for his generous commitment to Christian ministries.
How to Fix the Asian American Female Pastor Dilemma
New “PastoraLab” equips women in ministry who feel torn between their culture’s churches and their calling to lead.
The Courts Alone Can’t Protect Christian Colleges
Fuller Seminary’s recent win is worth celebrating. But the legal rights of faith-based schools are still at risk.
Court Dismisses LGBT Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit Against Fuller Seminary
The California school can uphold its sexual standards policy under a religious exemption to Title IX regulations.
Second Expelled Student Sues Fuller for LGBT Discrimination
Plaintiff joins lawsuit with request for more than $1 million.
Fuller Seminary Won’t Leave Pasadena After All
The school backed out of its move to Pomona—where administrators hoped to save money and upgrade to high-tech facilities—due to holdups with selling its property.
Fuller Seminary to Leave Pasadena Campus
A challenging new landscape for Christian graduate education forces major moves.
Fuller Seminary Picks Preacher of 'Dangerous Acts' as New President
(UPDATED) Professor chosen out of 250 nominees to replace retiring Richard Mouw.
The New President of Fuller Seminary's Vision for Shaping 100 Denominations and 70 Countries
An exclusive interview with Mark Labberton on being a Berkeley pastor, learning from Global South leaders, and the prospects of an online M.Div.
Fuller Seminary to Create Interfaith Code of Ethics
"Statement prohibits proselytizing, but school leaders say gracious evangelism still acceptable. Huh?"
Fuller Seminary Cancels Course on Signs and Wonders

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
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