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Died: KODA, the Ghanaian Gospel Star Who Sang Hits Rebuking Pastors
The highlife musician challenged the materialism and extortion he encountered too often in the church.
Au Sénégal, le ngalakh rapproche chrétiens et musulmans.
Des évangéliques évoquent l’opportunité de cette pratique d’origine catholique pour favoriser la bonne cohabitation et faire connaître l’Évangile.
More Porridge? Senegal Protestants Debate Exchanging Holiday Foods with Muslims
Ngalakh combines baobab fruit and peanuts to end Easter in West African nation, reciprocated by the sharing of meat breaking Ramadan’s fast.
As orações de torcedores justos são poderosas e eficazes?
Líderes ministeriais — e fanáticos por futebol — de seis nações avaliam o papel de Deus nos esportes.
Les prières des supporters croyants sont-elles efficaces ?
Des responsables chrétiens — et des supporters de la Coupe d’Afrique des nations — de six pays s’expriment sur le rôle de Dieu dans le sport.
Are the Prayers of a Righteous Fan Powerful and Effective?
Ministry leaders—and Africa Cup football fanatics—from six nations weigh in on God’s role in sports.
Les 10 versets bibliques préférés des chrétiens africains en 2023.
Trois responsables chrétiens africains réfléchissent à ce que la liste des versets les plus partagés dans l’application YouVersion sur leur continent révèle.
Africa’s Top 10 Bible Verses
Leaders reflect on what YouVersion’s list of the most-shared Scriptures in their corner of the continent includes—and misses.
Las masacres de esta Navidad en Nigeria ponen en tela de juicio explicaciones laicas del conflicto
La animadversión religiosa mezclada con las tensiones entre agricultores y pastores siguen acosando a los cristianos en la región del Cinturón Medio de Nigeria.
Christmas Massacres Challenge Secular Explanations of Nigeria Conflict
Religious animosity mixed with farmer-herder tensions continue to plague Christians in beleaguered Middle Belt region.
Christians Tried to Ban Witchcraft Accusations in Ghana. Politicians Almost Agreed.
(UPDATED) President declines to sign legislation. Bill’s sponsor calls Nana Akufo-Addo’s rationale “unfathomable.”
« Nous ne sommes pas au paradis » : un analyste nigérien évoque la situation des chrétiens après le coup d’État.
Entre conflits incessants, djihadistes et sanctions occidentales, la minorité chrétienne de la région du Sahel prie pour la paix.
‘We Are Not in Heaven’: Niger Analyst Explains Christians’ Concern After Coup
Wary of West African war and Western sanctions, Christian minority in the jihadist-plagued Sahel region nervously prays for peace.
International Anti-Persecution Strategies Are Failing Nigerian Christians
How the efforts of global advocacy groups depend on the capacity of local leaders.
Cyrus, Pharaoh, or Xerxes: Nigerian Christians Seek Parallels for New President They Opposed
Bola Tinubu spurned tradition to pick a fellow Muslim as his running mate. Believers wonder if he will champion greater Islamization, be the figure able to resist it, or listen to his evangelical wife.
Christian Conservationists Sue to Protect Ghana Forest
Bauxite mining would threaten birds, plants, and clean water.
Une forêt enfouie : comment un missionnaire australien redonne vie au Sahel africain
Le « faiseur de forêts » dont ont parlé de nombreux médias autour de la COP27 poursuit un projet où « tout ce qui est nécessaire, Dieu l’a déjà fourni ».
The Forest Underground: How an Australian Missionary Regrew the African Sahel
Evangelical farmer takes his technique from Niger to COP27 in Egypt, pitching a project in which “everything needed, God has already provided.”
Christian Aid Agencies Have a New Approach to Famine
Relief has changed in time for Africa’s worst food shortage in 80 years.
Nigerian Christians Protest Muslim-Muslim Ticket as a ‘Declaration of War’
Major political parties try to maximize the northern Muslim vote to rule Africa’s most-populous nation. Will a third-party presidential candidate reap the benefit of Christian frustration?

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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