Charles Colson

Charles Colson

Charles Colson

Charles Colson was the founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries, an outreach to convicts, victims of crime, and justice officers. Colson, who converted to Christianity before he was indicted on Watergate-related charges, became one of evangelicalism's most influential voices. His books included Born Again and How Now Shall We Live? A Christianity Today columnist since 1985, Colson died in 2012.

Chuck Colson: Evangelicals Should Be Uniters, Not Dividers
Chuck Colson: Evangelicals Should Be Uniters, Not Dividers
Why evangelicals need to redefine themselves and reform the whole church.
Recalling Francis Schaeffer's Challenge
Flaming Truth: Recalling Francis Schaeffer's Challenge
With laser-like precision, Schaeffer hit on the fundamental issue of our day.
Charles Colson: We Need Health-Care Reform
We Need Health-Care Reform
And the real question is who gets to decide who gets attention.
Charles Colson: Protecting Our Little Platoons
Protecting Our Little Platoons
There's reason to be concerned for the future of voluntary organizations.
Charles Colson: Doctrine Bears Repeating
Doctrine Bears Repeating
Evangelicals need to brush up on basic Christian teachings.
Colson: Keeping Pets in Their Place
Keeping Pets in Their Place
Why we can't afford to treat animals like they're humans.
Colson: The Evangelical Agenda
No Utter Collapse
Recent reports of our demise betray the media's ignorance about who we are.
Colson: The Invasion of God
The Invasion of God
The so-called Christmas wars are much larger than we imagine.
Colson: Community of Memory
Community of Memory
We're on the verge of destroying a key pillar of civilization.
Evolutionary Ethics Give Us No Reason to Eschew Moral Horrors
War on the Weak
Eugenics has made a lethal comeback.
The Earmark Epidemic
The Earmark Epidemic
The disease must be cured for the common good.
Bad Judgment
Bad Judgment
Ruling imperils faith-based programs around the country.
Emerging Confusion
Emerging Confusion
Jesus is the truth whether we experience him or not.
My Soul's Dark Night
My Soul's Dark Night
The best of evangelicalism didn't prepare me for this struggle.
Soothing Ourselves to Death
Soothing Ourselves to Death
Should we give people what they want or what they need?
A More Excellent Way
A More Excellent Way
Changing the law isn't enough.
Machiavellian Morality
Machiavellian Morality
One reason teenagers, among others, are jammed in our prisons.
Verdict that Demands Evidence
Verdict that Demands Evidence
It is Darwinists, not Christians, who are stonewalling the facts.
The New Civil War
The New Civil War
Christians must be driven by the common good, not by any ideology.
Worldview Boot Camp
Worldview Boot Camp
Evangelical young people need training in the truth about truth.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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