CT Classic

How to Build Homes Without Putting Up Walls
"Habitat for Humanity strives to keep its Christian identity—a tricky task, when everybody wants to join."
The Church of O
With a congregation of 22 million viewers, Oprah Winfrey has become one of the most influential spiritual leaders in America.
On Befriending Presidents
Billy Graham's relationship with Richard Nixon was already a controversy in 1972.
Which Version Should We Use?
What we said when the NIV was first published.
Is the God of Muhammad the Father of Jesus?
The answer to this question reveals the heart of our faith.
Fear and Hate
"In times like this, as in all other times, Christians have a responsibility to love above all else."
Blessed Ned of Springfield
He's the evangelical next door on The Simpsons, and that's okily dokily among many believers.
Popular Culture: The Ballad of John and Jesus
Two books tell the story behind John Lennon's short-lived conversion.
Billy Graham: 'I Have Never Felt Called to Single Out the Jews'
The evangelist discusses targeted evangelism in one of his most quoted statements
Graham Feted By American Jewish Committee
In 1977, Graham walked a fine line between in his work 'to proclaim the Gospel to Jew and Gentile.'
In Guns We Trust
Fear and idolatry are our real gun problem.
Is the Religious Right Finished?
Responses to the call of Ed Dobson and Cal Thomas for "some sort of quarantine."
The Moral Minority
Paul Weyrich was once a founding father of the Religious Right. In 1999, he explained to CT readers why it was time to give up the Moral Majority fight.
We Can't Stop Now, by Ralph Reed
Ralph Reed is a Republican strategist, president of Century Strategies, author of Active Faith (Free Press), and former executive director of the Christian Coalition.
Have We Settled for Caesar?, by Cal Thomas
Cal Thomas is a syndicated columnist and the coauthor (with Edward Dobson) of Blinded by Might: Can the Religious Right Save America? (Zondervan). From 1980 to 1985 he served as vice president for communications of the Moral Majority.
I'd Do It All Again
In a 1999 article, Jerry Falwell explains why Christians shouldn't give up on the Religious Right
Fighting the Wrong Battle
Don Eberly, a former aide in the Reagan White House, is founder of the National Fatherhood Initiative and director of the Civil Society Project.
The Struggle for Lincoln's Soul
Was Abraham Lincoln a Christian? A look at the evidence.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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