CT Classic

Jim Bakker Made Me Do It
The Road to Restoration
How should the church treat its fallen leaders?
The Private Lives of Public Leaders
Believers once stood watch with each other. Now they have learned to wink at questionable ethical choices.
Are All Sins Created Equal?
In the Beginning ...
Billy Graham recounts the origins of Christianity Today.
Candid Conversation with the Evangelist
Graham's freewheeling comments reflect the character and charisma that have spurred his career as a Christian crusader.
Rumors of Heaven
Our perennial interest in life after death.
Epochal Event: What God Did in Korea
Billy Graham's 1973 Seoul Crusade drew the largest Christian gathering at the time.
Is God a Psychotherapist?
M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie explores the dimensions of human and satanic evil.
Remonking the Church
Would a Protestant form of monasticism help liberate evangelicalism from its cultural captivity?
The $1 Billion Handoff
Sir John Templeton's born-again son takes control of the famous foundation—but there are strings attached.
A New Song
Taize's unique congregational singing is artistic, yet waits on the Spirit.
Ken Taylor: God's Voice in the Vernacular
Although his work has made him famous, he remained a retiring and modest figure.
What God Hath Not Joined
Why marriage was designed for male and female.
After the Hurricane
Hugo struck my neighbors with terror but not with the fear of God.
CT Classic: President Reagan and the Bible
He speaks out strongly for the importance of Scripture.
What Makes This Week Holy?
Jewish and Christian celebrations this week aren't just springtime rituals.
Living by Vows
As his wife suffered with Alzheimer's, Robertson McQuilkin said, If I took care of her for 40 years, I would never be out of her debt.
Muriel's Blessing
Despite the toll of his wife's Alzheimer's, a husband marvels at the mystery of love.
The Marks and Misses of a Magazine
'After all, Christianity Today is only a magazine.'

Top Story July 26, 2024

Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
The public square is increasingly hostile to religion. But don’t be surprised when Olympic athletes overflow with thanks to God.

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