Making—and Breaking—Vows
A compelling memoir from the son of a priest and a former nun.
Coming to a Bookstore Near You
Marsden and Hart, Noll and Stout, and more.
Ring Out the Old Year
Some highly subjective awards for 2005.
Books & Culture's Top Ten Movies
We open the New Year with a look back at the films of 2005. Here are the Top Ten lists of B&C regulars Roy Anker and Peter Chattaway.
Not Just Looking
Books for the eye.
Truth, Christmas, and the Eucharist
Why I didn't like the hymns and praise songs we were singing—and why I was missing the point.
The Top Ten Books of 2005
A charming bedside miscellany, a new novel by P. D. James, and much more.
How to Survive a Bookalanche
Some more keepers from 2005.
Tis the Season for Books (And Lists of Books)
Part one of our 2005 roundup.
Taizé in the Fall
A parable of community.
Have Mercy on Me, O God'
A report from AAR/SBL.
Can't We Just Have a Good Argument?
Lessons in "respectful conversation."
How to Think the Unthinkable
The lessons of Herman Kahn.
With God on Our Side
David McCullough's account of the pivotal year 1776 has resonance for Americans in 2005.
The Rich Are Different—and Not So Different—from Us
Think you're burned out on memoirs? Read this book.
The Mind and Soul of Combat
Perhaps war really is hell.
The Universal Language
If Latin died in our mouths, we'd just stop talking.
"Taken Up in Glory"
The Ascension has been forgotten in many Protestant churches, jettisoning an essential part of the Christian story.
Divine Comedies
A report on Baylor's Art & Soul conference, version 2005.
Looking for Yogi
The 2005 Spring Training preview.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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