Politics+Current Affairs

Haitian Relief Teams Prepare to Return
Bringing the Poor to the Polls
BOOKS: Worth Mentioning
Whose Feminism?
EDITORIAL: Uncle Sam Wants Your Tithes
Courts should keep creditors' hands out of the collection plate.
EDITORIAL: Abusing Human Rights
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
Are People The Problem?, Part 1—The Bet (b)
(Some population experts predict apocalyptic scenarios. Others argue that human ingenuity can meet the challenge. Deciding who is right has as much to do with faith as with facts.
SIDEBAR: Why Christians Should Support Population Programs
Religious Right Eager for November Election
High Stakes for the Religious Right Conservative activists see more than seats up grabs in the November election.
Political Tensions Between Christians, Jews
Rabbi Hopes to Quell Political Tensions
Leading Democrat Faces Strong Challenge
The Definitive Showdown
Will Palestinian Christians Survive?
Declining numbers threaten the 'forgotten faithful of the Holy Land.'
Program Links Policy Experts
An ambitious program intended to enhance scholarship in the area of public policy from a Christian perspective is now in full swing.
Episcopal Bishops Divided Over Sexuality
Government Restricts Missionaries

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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