Politics+Current Affairs

Bad Cops
Christians say false evidence led to murder acquittals.
Court Guts Porn Law
Activists promote other methods
Cracking Down on Conversions
Buddhist radicals push tough new laws.
Loose Lips
Christians in Hong Kong worry over remarks by broadcaster.
Never Again?
Genocide in Sudan tests our commitment to justice.
Pro-Abortion Madness
The abortion lobby has abandoned its rationales amid pro-life gains.
Quotation Marks
Recent quotes on abstinence, playing Jesus, and religious hatred.
Senate Showdown
Activists say fight against gay marriage has only just begun.
The Man Behind the Marriage Amendment
It's just as well that Matt Daniels loves a good fight, because he has a big one on his hands.
The Values-Driven Voter
The values bandwagon is being pulled apart. Which way is more scriptural?
State Department Adds Saudi Arabia to 'Worst of Worst' Persecutors List
Eritrea and Vietnam also added as countries of particular concern after years of pressure.
Faith Groups Turn Out the Vote for Both Candidates
Focus on the Family and Redeem the Vote focus on young evangelicals.
Bush's Code Cracked
A University of Chicago professor says he's figured out how the president is winning evangelicals' support. He's only partly right.
We're Still Supporting Slavery
New efforts to stop U.S. troops from visiting prostitutes abroad are a good step, but let's not whitewash what's happening.
Ethics Cloud Hangs Over DeLay Campaign
Bribery allegations give challenger hope to oust Washington's third most powerful man.
Death Wishes
Circuit Court supports state's primary role in assisted suicide.
Go Figure
Recent stats on organized religion, same-sex marriage, and Israel tourism.
Outreach to Despair
Christians minister to the hopeless in Gaza.
Pledging to Fight
Atheist says battle over 'under God' has just begun.
The New Gambling Goliath
Christian activists struggle to slow the rapid growth of Indian casinos.

Top Story July 17, 2024

A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
In these fractured times, we want to focus on Jesus’ call to chase after his will.

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