Politics+Current Affairs

California's Prop. 71 Stem-Cell 'Scam'
Supporters of cloning embryos for research have $11 million to convince state voters.
Heat Stroke
The climate for addressing global warming is improving.
It's Not About Stem Cells
Why we must clarify the debate over harvesting embryos.
Joanna Pinneo: Intimate Storyteller
Part 1 of 5 in our series on Christian photojournalists.
John Kerry's Open Mind
The candidate has roots in liberal Catholicism, establishment Protestantism, and secular idealism.
Land of Warlords
Unconfirmed report on martyrdom deepens gloom for Christians.
Not Far from the Brahmin Tree
Kerry's morals have been shaped by an old Protestant establishment.
Pick Your Shibboleths Wisely
Do we really want to be known as the generation who gave marriage over to the government?
Salt-and-Pepper Politics
Choosing between candidates whose consciences are too clean.
Senate's Top Democrat in the Cross Hairs
Conservative social issues may alienate voters from Tom Daschle's Washington record.
The Moral Home Front
America's increasing decadence is giving aid and comfort to Muslim terrorists.
The Nightmare of North Korea
One man's story of brutality, courage, love, and freedom.
Wooing the Faithful
President Bush needs evangelicals more than ever, but it's unclear how badly they want him for another four years.
North Korea Human Rights Act a 'Miracle'
Michael Horowitz credits evangelicals with big role in passage.
The Politicians' Patron
As the Roman Catholic patron saint of politicians, Thomas More is not quite a model for all seasons.
Church Militant
'Mayday for Marriage' rally organizer says stakes are high.
'Termites to National Security'
Nationwide campaign launched against house churches.
Ordinary Terrorists
Muslim extremists in Pakistan do not always belong to dangerous groups.
A False Cry of Peace
Wilfred Mlay, World Vision's regional vice president for Africa, discusses the crisis facing black Muslims in Darfur.

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