Politics+Current Affairs

Banning Compassion
Buddhist radicals seek to curtail Christian witness.
Evangelicals Applaud Supreme Court Ruling on Medical Marijuana
At least those that paid attention to the decision.
Designed Dispute
Curriculum critical of evolution nears approval in Kansas.
Dead Baby Sparks Suit
Mother claims infant was born alive.
Colson Blasts 'Deep Throat'
Christian statesman, former Nixon aide says leaks were unethical and unnecessary.
Victory for Religion Behind Bars
The Supreme Court's RLUIPA decision is good, but more work needs to be done to ensure prisoners' religious freedom.
Hitting the Brakes
Only a marriage amendment can stop the Supreme Court's momentum.
Prescription for Conflict
Pharmacists may have to put conscience on the shelf—or quit.
Supreme Court Unanimously Sides with Prisoners' Religious Rights
RLUIPA held to meet religious needs of the institutionalized.
If Christians Fail, America Will Fail'
An interview with the outspoken president of Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation.
Not All Evangelicals Voted for Bush. That's News?
The controversy at Calvin looked nothing like it played in the media.
Indian Court Commutes Death Penalty for Staineses' Murderer
Christians worried as attacks continue with little interference from the government.
Bush Commissions Calvin Grads to Serve
Pre-visit controversy gives way to cheers at commencement.
Bush Visit to Calvin College Exposes Divisions
Commencement address invigorates debates about the Reformed relationship to American politics and evangelicalism.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Christians murdered in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and Oregon's supreme court overturns same-sex marriages.
Kansas Voters Reject Gay Rites
But federal courts are expected to strike down state bans.
U.S. and Vietnam Reach Agreement on Religious Freedom
Hanoi promises privately to lift restrictions on Christians.
No 'Justice'?
Campaign against filibusters sparks debate among Christians.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Americorps allowed in Catholic schools, and North Korea leads Open Door's persecution list.
Go Figure
Recent stats on Congo's war, volunteering, and Terri Schiavo.

Top Story July 18, 2024

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