Politics+Current Affairs

Dobson: 'It's Coming Apart'
Conservative groups focus on Kevin Jennings, Chai Feldblum, and gay-rights legislation.
China's 'Conscience' Missing in Action
Top Christian lawyer Gao Zhisheng vanishes as government stifles dissent.
Mass Arrest: Christianity and the Deadly Mexico Drug War
Police raid on service shows that churches are no longer neutral observers.
Peace, Peace—But Is There Peace?
What Christian political groups said this week about the Nobel Prize, immigration reform, the hate crimes bill, and other issues.
Senate Expected to Expand Hate Crimes Law
Scholars and activists debate whether there's cause for concern over proposed legislation that would extend the hate crimes law to include sexual orientation.
The Clothed Public Square
Hunter Baker argues that Christians should not abandon God talk.
Speak Out Publicly
The pro-life movement needs people who are willing to speak out in the public square.
Pro-Life's Next Movement
Political change is giving the abortion lobby an upper hand. What's the best action for pro-life Christians to take next?
A Czar, a Cross, and Prayer Chain for Liberals
Conservative groups take aim at safe schools 'czar' Kevin Jennings. The Supreme Court considers the fate of a cross in the Mojave Desert. And all while Congress continues to work on health care.
Evangelicals Endorse Immigration Reform
The National Association of Evangelicals' board overwhelmingly approved a resolution to seek 'faith and equal treatment' of immigrants.
Supreme Court Weighs Fate of Mojave Cross
The court considered whether a transfer of property changes a church-state question.
Germany's Christian Democrats
An administration official discusses evangelicals' political involvement—or lack thereof.
Europe's Past Is Today's Hope
Rome won't cede the continent to secularists without a fight.
The Baucus Ruckus
This week the debate over health care reform moved from broad platitudes to specifics on abortion funding and abstinence education.
In the Beginning, Grace
Evangelicals desperately need spiritual and moral renewal—on that everyone agrees. But what do we do about it?
A Lost Generation
Mainline churches in East Germany rediscover a sense of mission.
Two Summits, Countless Agendas
Faith Leaders Summit urges G-8 to focus on poverty while Values Voter Summit targets domestic issues.
Where the Health Care Debate Lies
Introducing our new feature rounding up what evangelical political groups talked about this week.
Happy Rosh Hashanah, Christians
The 'Jewish New Year' is a day of judgment for all of creation.
Loss Is Gain
Denial of Hutterite request offers defense for other faith groups.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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