Politics+Current Affairs

America as a Christian Nation? Cherry-Picking from the Past
Christian claims about the United States' origins need grounding in historical fact.
Fraternizing with the Enemy
Paul Louis Metzger engages those outside the faith.
The Road to Gay Ordination in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The denominational battle has been going on for decades. The historical record is much older.
Choice Targets
Priest sues pro-life watchdog for defamation.
Should Faith Healing be Legally Protected?
Observers weigh in on homicide charges for parents who choose faith healing rather than medical care for their children.
Hunger Strikes
Spike in food prices shifts attention to market access.
A World Without the King James Version
Where we would be without the most popular English Bible ever.
From Russia, with Love
Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion offers evangelicals more than an olive branch.
Engaging the Islamic World After Osama
Living the message of reconciliation in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and everywhere.
'Do Not Gloat' over Osama bin Laden's Death
Remember how Americans felt after watching the jubilation after September 11?
The Death of Osama bin Laden: What Kind of Justice Has Been Done?
The news should again remind us of the difference between the City of Man and the City of God.
Yes, Justice Has Been Done in the Killing of Osama bin Laden
But our response as Christians must be marked by knowledge of our own depravity.
'Do Not Gloat' vs. 'Joy to the Righteous'
The verses most quoted on Twitter and Facebook after the news of the death of Osama bin Laden.
Evangelism as Sacrament
Velcroed to a high-felt need: Jerry Root says evangelism is seeing how God is already working in someone's life.
The Adoption Crusade
What a misleading article in the 'The Nation' can teach evangelicals.
A Beautiful Anger
The same holy hands that punish the wicked pull the righteous to safety.
Q & A: Franklin Graham on Obama's Birth, Trump, & Faith
The evangelist had said about the president, "I don't know why he can't produce" a birth certificate and suggested "maybe the guy's right" about Donald Trump.
White House Rebukes Franklin Graham for 'Preposterous Charges'
The evangelist had said "I don't know why he can't produce" a birth certificate for President Obama.
Why Beijing's Largest House Church Refuses to Stop Meeting Outdoors
Shouwang vows to continue showdown until Christmas in hopes of ending Achilles' heel of unregistered churches: government pressure on landlords.
Vietnamese Authorities in Hanoi Cancel Luis Palau Easter Celebrations
Local officials prevent events featuring U.S. evangelist Luis Palau.

Top Story July 23, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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