Politics+Current Affairs

Should Marital Infidelity Disqualify a Candidate from Office?
Observers weigh in on questions related to the 2012 election.
Renewal Groups Strategize after the PC(USA) Drops Celibacy Clause for Gay Clergy
Churches discuss future paths since the votes came in for the Presbyterian Church(USA) to open the door to ordaining non-celibate homosexuals.
Quivering with Fear: A Review of 'Quivering Daughters'
Hillary McFarland reveals the idolatry of patriarchal Christianity.
Civility Under Fire: Chuck Colson & Timothy George Revive MLK's Legacy
Dr. King's response to critical clergy is full of lessons for today.
Poll: Most Americans No Longer Want Government Promoting 'Traditional Values'
The recent recession and a movement favoring less government may contribute to recent poll numbers.
Bishop's Move: Rowan Williams's Latest Firestorm
A leading British evangelical comments on the Archbishop of Canterbury's turn as guest editor of 'New Statesman.'
Should Christians Smoke Medical Marijuana?
Observers weigh in on pot morality.
The Politics of Being a Good Christian
Why there might be two "God Gaps" in America.
The New Pro-Life Surge
Political gains by U.S. conservatives unleash waves of anti-abortion legislation.
U.S. Appeals Court: Schools Can Ban Worship
Ruling says New York ban on church services doesn't discriminate against expression. But legal scholars say the decision is unlikely to stand.
The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Ralph Reed
Why the former head of the Christian Coalition is drawing attention as a leader in the grassroots conservative movement.
Prison Partnership: Byron R. Johnson on Christian Criminal Justice
Church and state can join hands to prevent crime and reform criminals.
Alternative Capitalist: How a Coffee Business Brews Reconciliation
Why Jonathan Golden helps farmers in Rwanda.
Harold Camping's Rapture Campaign: Can He Be Sued for Fraud?
As an atheist group asks the California attorney general for action, legal scholars say efforts are almost certainly doomed.
States' License to Pill Increases Conflicts
Increase in state licenses prompts conscience clashes.
Public Enemy: Iran's Persecution Backfires
Regime's antagonism is increasing Christianity's appeal.
Should the China Ambassador Worship at a House Church?
Observers discuss whether the U.S. ambassador to China should worship at an unregistered church to 'publicly identify with the persecuted.'
A Christian Response to Overpopulation
We can continue to affirm life while acknowledging that unrestricted population growth can put women and children at risk.
Standing on Shaky Ground: Pastor Tax Break Threat Lessens
Ruling means threat to pastor tax break may have lost its legs.
The Theology of Osama bin Laden's Death
Christians call for solemn reflection and thanksgiving.

Top Story July 23, 2024

ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
UPDATE: The chair of the board of trustees, Kevin Smith, has resigned.

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