Books: My Top 5 Books

My Top 5 Books on Sabbath Rest
Picks from Keri Wyatt Kent, author of 'Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity.'
My Top 5 Books on Prayer
Picks from Robert Benson, author of 'In Constant Prayer.'
My Top 5 Books on Doubt
Picks from John Ortberg, author of 'Faith and Doubt.'
My Top 5 Books on Community
Picks from Richard Lamb, author of The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends.
My Top 5 Books on Sports
Picks from Andrew Parker, professor of sport and Christian outreach at the University of Gloucestershire
My Top 5 Books for Shaping Parents
My Top 5 Books on Advent
My Top 5 Books on Life Ethics
My Top 5 Books on the Emerging Movement
My Top 5 Books on Islam
My Top 5 Books on Loss
Nancy Guthrie, the author of Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow, offers a list of new and classic titles.
My Top 5 Books on Calvin
My Top 5 Books on Neglected Doctrines
My Top 5 Spiritual Memoirs
My Top Five Books on Marriage
My Top 5 Resources for Lent
Best books to read before Easter.
My Top 5 Fiction Books for the Soul
My Top 5 Devotionals
How Character Shapes Belief
Top 5 Books: Character Shapes Belief
My Top 5 Books on Food

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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