Books: My Top 5 Books

My Top 5 Books On Archaeology
Picks from Craig A. Evans, author of the forthcoming 'Jesus and His World.'
My Top 5 Books By Charles Dickens
Celebrating Dickens' 200th Birthday
My Top 5 Books on Christians in Politics
Picks from Stephen Mansfield, author of 'The Faith of Barack Obama.'
My Top 5 Books on Consumerism
Picks from Tyler Wigg Stevenson, author of 'Brand Jesus: Christianity in a Consumerist Age.'
My Top 5 Books on Jonathan Edwards
Particular places shape the biblical story, and each Christian life.
My Top 5 Books For Young Adults
Picks from Sara Zarr, author of 'How to Save a Life.'
My Top 5 Books on TV and Movies
Picks from Steven Greydanus, film critic at Decent Films Guide.
My Top 5 Books On Hell
Picks from Robert Peterson, co-editor of 'Is Hell for Real or Does Everyone Go to Heaven?'
My Top 5 Books On Heaven
Picks from Paul Enns, author of 'Heaven Revealed'
My Top 5 Books On Technology
Picks from Shane Hipps, author of 'Flickering Pixels: How Technology Shapes Your Faith.'
My Top 5 Books on Forgiveness
Picks from Catherine Claire Larson, author of 'As We Forgive.'
My Top 5 Books On Poverty
Picks from Brian Fikkert, co-author of 'When Helping Hurts.'
My Top 5 Books On Dating
Picks by Camerin Courtney, the author of "Table for One" and co-author of "The UnGuide to Dating."
My Top 5 Books on Poetry for the Soul
Picks by Roger Lundin, the author of "Believing Again: Doubt and Faith in a Secular Age."
My Top 5 Books on C.S. Lewis
Picks from Michael Ward, author of 'Planet Narnia.'
My Top 5 Books on the Historical Jesus
Picks from Darrell Bock, editor of 'Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus.'
My Top 5 Books on Family Ministry
By Reggie Joiner, author of 'Think Orange'
My Top 5 Books on The Problem of Evil
Picks from John Stackhouse, author of 'Can God Be Trusted?'
My Top 5 Biographies of Theologians
Picks from Timothy George, founding dean of Beeson Divinity School.
My Top 5 Books on Orphan Care
Picks from Jedd Medefind, president, the Christian Alliance for Orphans.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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