
Found in Space
How C. S. Lewis has shaped my faith and writing.
Unplanned Parenthood
Amy Laura Hall argues that in God's design, family is a pretty messy thing.
Fiction for the Faith-Starved
The Shack tells a compelling, if imperfect, story.
Reading in Good Faith
The Shack is a tale of tragedy redeemed, not a theological treatise.
Hope for Fools
Why the doctrine of original sin is 'curiously liberating.'
China to provide free Bibles during Olympic Games
The cover of the Gospels will sport an Olympics logo.
Recommended Reading
Books on the existence of God.
Fact and Faith
Mark Mittelberg says this is no time to jettison logic.
Early Returns Are Mixed
Global evangelicals don't necessarily vote like American evangelicals.
Back to Sunday School
The author of Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered says the church must reclaim its disciple-making infrastructure.
Short reviews of The Great Awakening, The Return of History and the End of Dreams, and Making the Best of It.
The Five Steps of Getting Un-Lost
I Once Was Lost has wisdom for those trying to reach young skeptics.
My Top 5 Books on China
The Christian Pop Cultures of Rapture Ready
Writer Daniel Radosh explores the heavy-handed evangelists, the art snobs, the money changers, and others who make up the Christian entertainment industry.
Surveying the Whole to See the Parts
Tom Schreiner's New Testament Theology searches for Scripture's unifying themes.
Pink Slip in the Pews
A new book says Bush fired Rove in church.
Enns Explains
The professor offers his response to the criticisms that got him suspended from Westminster Theological Seminary.
"The Shack" Built on Shifting Sands?
William Young's surprise bestseller sparks heated response and prompts important questions
The Trinity: So What?
The Shack allegorizes a tricky but foundational doctrine.
All Shook Up
Experience in Pentecostal churches fired a love of music many early rockers couldn't shake

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In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.

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