
For the Love of Lit
Meritt Sawyer and friends revive the value of family and the printed page.
Rejecting "The Jewel of Medina"
Is the romance novel about Muhammad a religion story?
Stephen Nichols argues that Americans have remade Jesus in their own image.
Crouch and Culture
With one book off to the printer, Andy Crouch contemplates beginning another.
Cultivating Where We're Planted
Andy Crouch says there's no reason to get paralyzed by our 'culture making' mandate.
Creating Culture
Our best response to the world is to make something of it.
A Southern Baptist Manifesto
Dockery proposes keeping essentials and nonessentials in balance.
John Wilson's short reviews of A Step from Death, Christ and Culture Revisited, and Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat.
My Top 5 Books on Leadership
A Safe Place to Talk About Sex
'Sex and the Soul' argues that universities—Christian and otherwise—desperately need this.
Zipping It
Donna Freitas says that when it comes to sexual ethics, nonreligious schools are failing their students.
Curing Lethargy ... or Whatever
Putting to death the noonday demon. A review of Kathleen Norris's Acedia & Me.
Minding a Malleable Movement
Why evangelicals need wise guides alongside our revivalists.
Save the Males
Has male-bashing crept into your church?
Q+A: David Iglesias
The Christian lawyer at the center of the U.S. attorneys scandal speaks out about his firing, faith, and future.
Open Competitors
Campus Crusade's early tensions with InterVarsity and other college ministries. An excerpt from Bill Bright and Campus Crusade for Christ.
Campus Crusader for Christ
Bill Bright is a compelling, flawed figure in John Turner's historical analysis of postwar evangelicalism.
Dobson and the God-o-Meter
Beliefnet editor Dan Gilgoff on the Religious Right's continuing role in this election.
My Top 5 Books by the Inklings and Friends
Short reviews of Saving Darwin, The Man Who Loved China, and Transforming Worldviews.

Top Story July 20, 2024

In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.

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