
2011 Christianity Today Book Awards
Judges whittled 427 submissions down to 11 winners.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Short reviews of '1 Samuel,' 'Not in the Heavens,' and 'The Identity Man.'
Luminous Slice of China
In the historical novel 'City of Tranquil Light,' ordinary missionaries transcend extraordinary circumstances.
Books to Note
Short reviews of recent books worth considering.
The Meaning of Business
Christians in the marketplace, says Jeff Van Duzer, are not second-class citizens of the kingdom.
Wise Stewards
Philosophical foundations of Christian parenting.
My Top 5 Books on Poetry for the Soul
Picks by Roger Lundin, the author of "Believing Again: Doubt and Faith in a Secular Age."
Christ Is Enough
Why this simple reminder is necessary right now. A review of Phillip Cary's 'Good News for Anxious Christians.'
Yuletide Yarns
Christian authors discuss the best Christmas story not in the Bible.
An Un-Christmas-Like Idea
Four days of Advent readings, excerpted from 'God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas.' By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Interview: Condoleezza Rice's Faith Context for Foreign Policy
How faith guided the former secretary of state's life from the segregated South to dictating the nation's foreign policy.
Why Jesus?
That most people meet Jesus on the road is no coincidence.
Happiness Now!
We can grab hold of joy in this life, not just in heaven, says theologian Ellen Charry. A review of 'God and the Art of Happiness.'
Wilson's Bookmarks
Brief Reviews of 'God of Liberty,' 'Manifest Destinies,' and 'Anterooms.'
My Top 5 Books on C.S. Lewis
Picks from Michael Ward, author of 'Planet Narnia.'
The Line Where Religions Collide
Journalist and poet Eliza Grizwold says we can learn a lot about Christianity by surveying the region where they have clashed for 200 years.
Tim Keller: What We Owe the Poor
The pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church says seeking justice is not optional for the person saved by grace.
My Top 5 Books on the Historical Jesus
Picks from Darrell Bock, editor of 'Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus.'
The Blessing of Gratitude
Why Jesus commands us to be thankful.
The Leavers: Young Doubters Exit the Church
More than in previous generations, 20- and 30- somethings are abandoning the faith. Why?

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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