
The Vindication of Constantine
The much maligned emperor receives a much needed makeover. A review of 'Defending Constantine.'
Idolatry, the Gospel, and the Imitation of God
Why evangelicals have taken such an interest in idols.
Profiting from the Past
Will Christian history books ever sell?
Eugene Peterson: A Pastor's Journey
The memoirist reads the text of his life, and addresses the parlous state of the pastoral calling.
King's Cross
The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus
Wilson's Bookmarks
Short Reviews of 'Confessing History,' 'The Word Exchange,' and 'Anger, Mercy, Revenge.'
Rob Bell's Bridge Too Far
The controversial pastor raises crucial questions, but offers answers that may sabotage his goals.
Lent in Narnia
Would C.S. Lewis have renounced Turkish Delight from Ash Wednesday to Easter?
Pop Goes the Worship
Religion professor T. David Gordon says Muzak has shaped singing in church.
Pope Benedict XVI Points Fingers on Who Killed Jesus
Jews bear no collective guilt for crucifixion, he says.
Heaven, Hell, and Rob Bell: Putting the Pastor in Context
He's not the first to try to resolve old biblical tensions in new ways.
Rob Bell's Upcoming Book on Heaven & Hell Stirs Blog, Twitter Backlash on Universalism
Justin Taylor's blog post on a book that hasn't been released yet highlights a theological debate on universalism.
The Folly of Answering Fools
It's time to reassess the posture of perpetual outrage.
Q & A: Bobby Jindal on his Vision
Louisiana's governor talks about his conversion and policy priorities.
Words That Nourish
To read well is to prepare oneself to live wisely, kindly, and wittily.
Q & A: Mike Huckabee on Faith, Social Issues, and a Possible Run
Huckabee speaks with CT on issues like immigration and the environment, the faith of politicians, and a possible presidential candidacy.
My Top 5 Books On Dating
Picks by Camerin Courtney, the author of "Table for One" and co-author of "The UnGuide to Dating."
The Discerning Seller: LifeWay to Drop Warning Labels
The "Read with Discernment" program listed popular authors as "strictly for critical study or research."
Redeeming Bonhoeffer (The Book)
The problem with Eric Metaxas's portrayal of the German hero as an evangelical.
The Center of the Good News
Why we can’t understand the gospel—or ourselves—without the Trinity. A review of 'The Deep Things of God.'

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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