Penny's First Day of Kindergarten

Penny's first words when I picked her up from her first day of kindergarten: "I didn't miss you, Mom!"

That probably says it all.

I missed her. William missed her–he spent the morning asking when she would get home from school. But she was ready. She marched right into that big ...

Two Minutes with Rachel Simon

I have a brief interview with author Rachel Simon in this month's Books and Culture magazine: "Two Minutes With Rachel Simon." She wrote Riding the Bus With my Sister and The Story of Beautiful Girl. You need to subscribe to Books and Culture to read the whole thing (and I highly ...

Hopes and Fears for Our Children (and another chance to win a copy of A Good and Perfect Gift)

My new memoir, A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny is out in stores now. I've been rereading it myself and revisiting many of the themes in the book. In the beginning of each chapter of the book, I share an excerpt from the journal I kept ...

Why Is it that People with Disabilities Have so much to Tell us About Being Human?

I just read a post by the author Ian Brown, "The Absence of Normal Frees Us" about Brown and his son, Walker. Brown's book, The Boy in the Moon, describes their relationship in greater detail, but this essay alone is well worth reading, and perhaps a good place to start thinking ...

What Public Schools Have to Do with a Full Life

Last Friday, Family Life broadcast a conversation between Martha Manikas Foster and me about why Christians should consider sending their children to public schools, even "failing" public schools. It was based on a post I wrote for her.meneutics, the Christianity Today women's ...

Some Thoughts on Amazon and A Good and Perfect Gift

A number of you have written me to ask, "Will A Good and Perfect Gift be available on Kindle?"

YES! Unfortunately, neither I nor my publisher has any control over when Amazon will make the book available on Kindle. I have been told that it usually takes two to three weeks. I ...

A Good and Perfect Gift Debuts (Share The News to Win a Free Copy!)

(Update: Alice Hodgkins has won this giveaway–much thanks to Alice and all the others who helped share the news about the book!)

I am thrilled to announce the official release of my new book, A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations and a Little Girl Named Penny (Bethany ...

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