On Change, Pacifiers, and Helping Each Other Out

A few nights back (in fact, in the midst of Hurricane Irene, an inauspicious choice) William said, "Mom, can you take my passy away?" (He still uses a pacifier to go to sleep, and if I were to let him walk around with it all day long, he'd carry it willingly.)

"Sure, William," ...

Don't Blame It On Down Syndrome . . .

I've written here on a number of occasions about my hopes (and fears) for Penny when it comes to making friends. I try to arrange playdates. I talk to her teachers about her social skills. We practice "using her words" and looking people in the eye. We bemoan how often she just ...

A Good and Perfect Gift is In Stock! (And a Free Excerpt)

Lots more information to come as the week progresses, including an excerpt and a video clip. But for today–you can order your copy of A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith Expectations and a Little Girl Named Penny. Please spread the word on Facebook and Twitter, through email and ...

Hurricane Irene and the Becker Family

Who knew that a tropical storm could do this much damage? So here I sit, by candlelight, eighteen hours after we lost power (I'm writing this at 9:00 p.m. on Sunday night, but I can't actually post it now because we don't have Internet capabilities at the moment), wondering ...

What I'm Reading: Dealing with Death, Catholic Hospitals, and Autism

Siddharta Mukherjee wrote a column for the New York Times Magazine about his experience watching funeral pyres in India as a boy, his experience as an oncologist watching Americans die of cancer, and the problems with the American way of death. The contrast between a body ...

Are You Going on A Book Tour? And Other Thoughts on How to Make a Living as a Writer

I've always assumed that if I ever wrote and published a book, I would then embark upon a cross-country book tour. Peter envisioned a Winnebago with the kids in the back, stopping in every major city from Boston to Seattle, down the West Coast, and back again. We've abandoned ...

Are You Satisfied With Your Life?

In John 10:10, Jesus says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

It's easy to settle for a less-than-full life, whether by assuming that relationships will end in disappointment, or that God doesn't ...

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