Why I'm Both Spiritual and Religious

A lot of my friends describe themselves as "spiritual but not religious." I think I know what they mean. I think they don't want some of the restrictions that come with religiosity–the rules that mandate saying certain prayers or feeling lots of guilt. They don't want to find ...

Another Excerpt and A Good and Perfect Gift Now Available on Kindle

Sharon Hodde Miller was kind enough to promote my book on her blog, sheworships.com. For those of you who would like another preview of A Good and Perfect Gift, you can read Part One here and Part Two here.

Also, A Good and Perfect Gift is now available on Kindle. Click here ...

Questions for your Book Club

Are you in a Book Club? (This is besides the point of this blogpost, but as a personal aside–if so, what have been your top three books in the past year?)

Just wanted to let you and your book club know that there are now Questions for Discussion available on my website about ...

What I'm Reading: Sperm Donors, Religion and 9/11, and the Images of Down Syndrome

Three articles I recommend for your reading this weekend:

First, a New York Times piece about the impact of artificial insemination as more and more children discover their "half-siblings." When one man "fathers" 150 children, the chances of those siblings accidentally meeting ...

Does Every Man Use Porn? Really?

I have a new post on her.meneutics, MIA: Men Who Don't Use Pornography. It begins:

I don't remember much about sex education in 10th grade, other than anxiety about what topics I might have to discuss with peers. But I do remember a woman who came to our private, secular school ...

When Your Friend Finds Out She's Having a Child with Down Syndrome . . .

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to talk with Diane Markins of Words in High Def about A Good and Perfect Gift and having a child with Down syndrome. You can listen to the interview by visiting her website and listening to the MP3.

While you're there, you'll find a guest post ...

On Bambi, Disabilities, and Becoming Super-Great Friends

William and I were watching Bambi together last week. Penny was already asleep. Near the end, when spring comes, all the little animals fall in love. Owl calls them "twitterpated." William was very confused.

"Well, it's kind of like they become super-great friends. Like your ...

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